Six passenger flights diverted

23 Apr, 2012

As many as six incoming flights were diverted either to Nawabshah or Multan during the closure of the Karachi Airport runway from 12.16 p.m. to 7.50 p.m. on Sunday. This was stated by a spokesman of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). He further said that one incoming flight of Emirates Airline went to Ahmedabad.
He said that the runway of the Karachi Airport was re-opened at 7.50 p.m. and with this eight out-going flights started departing from Karachi for their respective destinations.
PK-303 Lahore-Karachi was the first flight, which landed at Nawabshah.
Later, Air Blue flight 201 proceeding from Islamabad to Karachi also landed here.
PIA's Gawadar-Karachi flight as well as its DG Khan-Karachi flight also landed at Nawabshah Airport. Managing Director PIA Rao Qamar Suleman and Federal Minister Faisal Saleh Hayat were among the passengers, who remained at Nawabshah Airport for some time.

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