Pakistan players still waiting for BPL payments

24 Apr, 2012

The Pakistani cricketers who took part in the inaugural Bangladesh Premier League are still waiting for their dues to be cleared by the Twenty20 tournament's organisers. One of the leading players confirmed that until now, most of the players had only received 25 percent of the total amount due to them from their franchises, websit cricbuzz. Com, reported on Monday.
"We are still waiting for something to happen. The point is that because we also have to look at our livelihood for the future there is nothing much we can do except to keep on reminding the Bangladesh Cricket Board and respective franchises to clear the dues," he said. Another player confirmed that the franchises were bound to clear the total dues of their overseas players 40 days after the completion of the BPL that ended on February 29 in Dhaka.
"That deadline has passed without anything happening. The only payment we got so far as 25 percent of the total dues and that too at the fag end of the competition when the foreign players all got together and protested they were virtually playing for free and had not been paid anything," the player, who declined to be named, said.

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