KUST's pharmacy department seeks affiliation with PPC

26 Apr, 2012

The students of Pharmacy department Kohat University of Science & Information Technology (KUST) have demanded of the government for affiliating the department with Pakistan Pharmacy Council (PPC), warned that if their, demand not meet within next two weeks, they will hold sit-in outside Governor House and boycott from classes.
Addressing a news conference here at Peshawar Press Club, president Pharmacy Students Association KUST, Mohammad Fahim Afridi said that the Pharmacy department had established in 2007, since then it was facing acute shortage of faculty, lack of adequate facilities in laboratories and libraries.
Flanked by General Secretary, Wasim Bacha, and information secretary Taj Mohammad, he informed that the future of more than 400 students was on stake due to non-recognition of the Pharmacy department of Kohat University. Afridi said that they are protesting for last three weeks against the non-recognition of their department with Pakistan Pharmacy Council, but the government was least bothered to pay attention towards their demand.
"We had completely boycotted from the classes in protest and would continue agitation till the acceptance of the demand", he warned. He also criticised that University administration for failure in addressal of the issues facing the pharmacy students. He demanded of the Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to immediate issue order to recognise the Department of Pharmacy, Kohat University with Pakistan Pharmacy Council to save the students future.

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