Partly Facetious: The king is party's co-chairman

26 Apr, 2012

"So is he in or is he out?"
"If you are referring to the Prime Minister, then he will remain in as long as President Zardari wants."
"I don't see why, I mean there are many where Gilani comes from?"
"I don't understand."
"How many PPP members would be more than willing to take over from Gilani?"
"A fair number I guess..."
"I would say all; I ask you who would not be agreeable to being king even if it is for a day."
"Well, it wouldn't be even for a day, the king is the party's co-chairman."
"OK, the grand vizier then."
"Don't be facetious, a grand vizier is the one who looks after the treasury I think and..."
"And if I was grand vizier for even one day my personal treasury would benefit a tad I assure you."
"That's unethical and..."
"You are too wild with your judgements. I mean its not as if the PPP alone can be accused..."
"Two wrongs don't make a right. If the PML (N) or the establishment or the judiciary has a poor history in this regard then it doesn't mean that PPP is justified."
"No, but accountability must be across the board!"
"This from someone who is a member of parliament where, truth be told, the accountability bill has remained pending for the past three to four years!"
"One question: if the Prime Minister is out what would happen to the ephedrine case?"
"I reckon, it would be as the Americans say same old same old."
"Right, but Gilani is dispensable, I think he must realise it by now. And even though his family would continue to prosper for loyalty rendered he himself may become a non-entity."
"With a high party designation..."
"Right, but we know who makes the decisions there."
"And someone else makes decisions in the PM House?"
"But you get to live in the PM House!"
"That's true."

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