ECOSOC to tackle global jobs crisis during next week

01 Jul, 2012

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the world body's economic arm, will tackle the global jobs crisis when it begins its high-level segment on Monday, its President said Friday.
More than 500 delegates, including government ministers and heads of civil society groups, international institutions and the private sector, will attend the high-level segment which will focus on boosting productive capacity, strengthening development co-operation and creating decent, sustainable work.
"Our goal is to spotlight sustainable economic growth models which not only promise job creation but are also inclusive and equitable, tailored to the specific needs of individual countries and have sufficient levels of social protection," the President of the Council, Ambassador Milos Koterec of Slovakia, told reporters at a news conference at UN Headquarters.
The third biennial Development Co-operation Forum (DCF) will also take place during the high-level segment, featuring interactive, multi-stakeholder dialogues to generate ideas and solutions to a number of critical issues. In addition, ministers and representatives will deliver policy messages during the Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) and will exchange approaches for the implementation of the Global Jobs Pact, adopted in 2009 by the UN International Labour Organisation (ILO).
The high-level segment is expected to conclude on 9 July with the adoption of a ministerial declaration that will be a road map on how to go forward in the achievement of full employment and decent work. "We believe that these discussions are timely," said Koterec.
"The turmoil in the global economy has demonstrated that the world needs concerted action to get out of the crisis. No one country or region can lead on its own and policy co-ordination has become more complicated just as it has become more important. "The global concern over jobs and sustainability are unifying themes for international co-operation. We will learn in the next few days how some countries are tackling.

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