KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
=============================================================================================================== YEAR Profit/(Loss) EPS ANNUAL CLOSURE OF ENDED/ DIVIDEND/ After (Rs) GENERAL SHARE HALF YEARLY/ BONUS/ Taxation MEETING TRANSFERCOMPANY QUARTERLY RIGHT (Rs. in BOOKS ACCOUNTS million)===============================================================================================================Sui Southern Gas 31.12.2018 Nil (14,848.208) (16.86) 05.08.2020 28.07.2020 toCompany Ltd Year End 11.00.a.m. 05.08.2020(Unconsolidated) AGMSui Southern Gas Company 31.12.2018 Nil (14,804.526) (16.81)Limited (Consolidated) Year EndWyeth Pakistan Limited 15.07.2020 03.07.2020 to 11.00.a.m 15.07.2020UBL Pakistan Enterprise EOGM 29.06.2020Exchange Traded FundMCB Cash Management 19.06.2020 Rs. 0.3067Optimizer Period End Per UnitAlhamra Daily 19.06.2020 Rs. .0198Dividend Fund Period End Per UnitAlhamra Daily 20.06.2020 Rs. .0198Dividend Fund Period End Per UnitAlhamra Daily 21.06.2020 Rs. .0198Dividend Fund Period End Per UnitABL Islamic 17.06.2020 Rs. 0.0021Cash Fund Period End Per Unit===============================================================================================================
Indication: (*) Basic(#) Diluted