KARACHI: Board Meetings of Companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange....
24 Jun, 2020

KARACHI: Board Meetings of Companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

=========================================================NAME OF COMPANY                      DATE            TIME=========================================================Attock Refinery                   24.06.2020     03:30 pmAttock Petroleum                  24.06.2020     01:00 pmPakistan Oilfields                24.06.2020   12:00 noonInternational Steels              24.06.2020     03:00 pmNational Refinery                 25.06.2020     11:30 amInternational Industries          25.06.2020     03:00 pmAttock Cement                     25.06.2020     01:00 pmSapphire Textile Mills            25.06.2020     10:00 amK-Electric                        25.06.2020     11:00 amService Industries                26.06.2020   12:00 noonGammon Pakistan                   26.06.2020     11:00 amNadeem Textile Mills              26.06.2020     02:30 pmPremier Sugar Mills               26.06.2020     11:30 amChashma Sugar Mills               26.06.2020     11:00 amIndus Motor                       26.06.2020     04:00 pmMari Petroleum                    26.06.2020     04:00 pmDynea Pakistan                    27.06.2020     10:00 amMurree Brewery                    29.06.2020     10:00 amThal Ltd.                         29.06.2020     02:30 pmQuetta Textile Mills              29.06.2020     11:00 amSilk Bank                         29.06.2020     02:00 pmTPL Insurance                     30.06.2020     10:30 amFaysal Bank                       30.06.2020     11:30 amAgriauto Ind.                     30.06.2020     10:00 am=========================================================
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