Customs operations require speed and transparency without compromising enforcement of law. Web Based One Customs (WeBOC) is one such computerized system that achieves above objectives. It is based on the international principle of self assessment and risk management system. Moreover, the software for the automated clearances has been developed by Pakistan customs professionals and technical experts of Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL), a company which has greatly contributed in automation of FBR.
It is heartening to note that WeBOC has received the acceptance and goodwill of the trade and industry in a short span of time. I would like to congratulate the nation on this great occasion. FBR and its team need to be appreciated for helping the trade and industry at a very critical time. It is hoped that the Web Based Customs Clearance System (WeBOC) shall go a long way in realisation of economic development goals of the country and would ensure trade facilitation beyond the customs frontiers of Pakistan.