ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX (Formerly National Commodity Exchange Limited - NCEL) Trading Summary on Friday (July 3, 2020).
=================================================================================================================Date Commodity Contract Open High Low Close Traded Previous Current Open Date Volume Settlement Settlement Interest in Lots Price Price in Lots=================================================================================================================2-Jul-20 GO1OZ AU20 1776.6 1791.5 1766.6 1786.7 6,144 1780.5 1786.7 1,9102-Jul-20 CRUDE10 AU20 39.64 40.7 39.51 40.3 1,206 39.74 40.3 6342-Jul-20 GO10OZ AU20 1777 1791.6 1766.7 1786.7 995 1780.5 1786.7 2122-Jul-20 NSDQ100 SE20 10272 10419.25 10256.5 10349.75 905 10266.75 10349.75 4622-Jul-20 SL10 SE20 18.273 18.408 18 18.263 744 18.303 18.263 5032-Jul-20 SL100OZ SE20 18.237 18.408 18.017 18.263 680 18.303 18.263 1672-Jul-20 GO1OZ AU20ID 1776.9 1791 1766.6 1786.7 445 1780.5 1786.7 02-Jul-20 CRUDE100 AU20 39.7 40.7 39.6 40.3 283 39.74 40.3 1582-Jul-20 PLATINUM5 OC20 835 845 825 829 241 838.1 829 1922-Jul-20 GO10OZ AU20ID 1777.4 1791.7 1766.9 1786.7 159 1780.5 1786.7 02-Jul-20 SP500 SE20 3105.75 3155 3099.75 3126.5 159 3104.5 3126.5 3462-Jul-20 NGAS1K AU20 1.699 1.735 1.672 1.723 151 1.698 1.723 962-Jul-20 DJ SE20 25580 26063 25580 25736 150 25590 25736 92-Jul-20 SL500OZ SE20 18.192 18.398 18.018 18.263 149 18.303 18.263 482-Jul-20 GOLDEURUSD AU20 1.1268 1.13 1.1229 1.1241 143 1.1253 1.1241 542-Jul-20 SL10 SE20ID 18.249 18.379 18.064 18.263 143 18.303 18.263 02-Jul-20 CRUDE10 AU20ID 39.73 40.6 39.71 40.3 112 39.74 40.3 02-Jul-20 SL100OZ SE20ID 18.181 18.341 18.079 18.263 95 18.303 18.263 02-Jul-20 GOLDGBPUSD AU20 1.2482 1.2527 1.2463 1.2465 87 1.2479 1.2465 512-Jul-20 GOLDGBPJPY AU20 134.18 134.658 134.016 134.016 78 134.077 134.016 172-Jul-20 COPPER SE20 2.751 2.766 2.7345 2.7483 64 2.748 2.7483 532-Jul-20 GO100OZ AU20 1782.5 1790.8 1767.2 1786.7 44 1780.5 1786.7 92-Jul-20 GOLDAUDUSD AU20 0.6919 0.6935 0.6907 0.6926 30 0.6916 0.6926 162-Jul-20 GOLDUSDJPY AU20 107.49 107.536 107.46 107.52 27 107.447 107.52 192-Jul-20 GOLDEURGBP AU20 0.9016 0.902 0.9014 0.9018 25 0.9018 0.9018 52-Jul-20 GOLDGBPUSD AU20ID 1.2494 1.2516 1.2465 1.2465 22 1.2479 1.2465 02-Jul-20 SL500OZ SE20ID 18.279 18.321 18.016 18.263 21 18.303 18.263 02-Jul-20 GO100OZ AU20ID 1773.1 1788.3 1772.2 1786.7 20 1780.5 1786.7 02-Jul-20 GOLDEURAUD AU20 1.6271 1.6273 1.6228 1.6231 17 1.627 1.6231 132-Jul-20 GOLDEURCAD AU20 1.5324 1.5352 1.5252 1.5252 14 1.5286 1.5252 02-Jul-20 GOLDUSDCAD AU20 1.36 1.361 1.357 1.357 10 1.3584 1.357 52-Jul-20 CRUDE1000 AU20 40.45 40.52 39.91 40.3 9 39.74 40.3 82-Jul-20 ICOTTON DE20 62.41 62.99 62.41 62.96 9 62.58 62.96 22-Jul-20 CRUDE100 AU20ID 39.89 40.44 39.89 40.3 7 39.74 40.3 02-Jul-20 GOLDAUDJPY AU20 74.241 74.702 74.241 74.46 7 74.317 74.46 92-Jul-20 GOLDUSDJPY AU20ID 107.363 107.52 107.363 107.52 6 107.447 107.52 02-Jul-20 GOLDEURUSD AU20ID 1.1284 1.1284 1.1241 1.1241 4 1.1253 1.1241 02-Jul-20 GOLDUSDCHF AU20 0.9452 0.9458 0.9436 0.9452 4 0.9456 0.9452 52-Jul-20 NGAS10K AU20 1.712 1.726 1.712 1.723 4 1.698 1.723 312-Jul-20 PLATINUM50 OC20 835.6 835.6 825.7 829 4 838.1 829 32-Jul-20 GOLDAUDCAD AU20 0.9425 0.9425 0.9397 0.9397 3 0.9396 0.9397 42-Jul-20 GOLDEURJPY AU20 120.9 120.92 120.85 120.85 2 120.909 120.85 52-Jul-20 GOLDGBPCHF AU20 1.1813 1.1813 1.1781 1.1781 2 1.18 1.1781 12-Jul-20 GOLDUSDCAD AU20ID 1.359 1.359 1.357 1.357 2 1.3584 1.357 02-Jul-20 SL5000OZ SE20 18.148 18.263 18.148 18.263 2 18.303 18.263 02-Jul-20 GOLDEURCHF AU20 1.0627 1.0627 1.0625 1.0625 1 1.0639 1.0625 12-Jul-20 IWHEAT SE20 491.25 492 491.25 492 1 496 492 12-Jul-20 BRENT10 SE20 41.92 42.76 41.92 42.76 0 41.92 42.76 02-Jul-20 BRENT100 SE20 41.92 42.76 41.92 42.76 0 41.92 42.76 02-Jul-20 BRENT1000 SE20 41.92 42.76 41.92 42.76 0 41.92 42.76 02-Jul-20 COPPER25K SE20 2.748 2.7483 2.748 2.7483 0 2.748 2.7483 02-Jul-20 CRUDE10 OC20 40.08 40.54 40.08 40.54 0 40.08 40.54 02-Jul-20 CRUDE10 SE20 39.91 40.4 39.91 40.4 0 39.91 40.4 02-Jul-20 CRUDE100 OC20 40.08 40.54 40.08 40.54 0 40.08 40.54 02-Jul-20 CRUDE100 SE20 39.91 40.4 39.91 40.4 0 39.91 40.4 02-Jul-20 CRUDE1000 AU20ID 39.74 40.3 39.74 40.3 0 39.74 40.3 02-Jul-20 GO100OZ DE20 1800.7 1808.7 1800.7 1808.7 0 1800.7 1808.7 02-Jul-20 GO100OZ OC20 1789.7 1797.6 1789.7 1797.6 0 1789.7 1797.6 02-Jul-20 GO10OZ DE20 1800.7 1808.7 1800.7 1808.7 0 1800.7 1808.7 02-Jul-20 GO10OZ OC20 1789.7 1797.6 1789.7 1797.6 0 1789.7 1797.6 02-Jul-20 GO1OZ DE20 1800.7 1808.7 1800.7 1808.7 0 1800.7 1808.7 02-Jul-20 GO1OZ OC20 1789.7 1797.6 1789.7 1797.6 0 1789.7 1797.6 02-Jul-20 GOLD AU20 95797 95819 95797 95819 0 95797 95819 02-Jul-20 GOLD JY20 95776 95798 95776 95798 0 95776 95798 02-Jul-20 GOLD SE20 95825 95847 95825 95847 0 95825 95847 02-Jul-20 GOLDAUDUSD AU20ID 0.6916 0.6926 0.6916 0.6926 0 0.6916 0.6926 02-Jul-20 GOLDCHFJPY AU20 113.638 113.759 113.638 113.759 0 113.638 113.759 22-Jul-20 GOLDKILO AU20 95743 95765 95743 95765 0 95743 95765 02-Jul-20 GOLDKILO JY20 95722 95744 95722 95744 0 95722 95744 02-Jul-20 GOLDKILO SE20 95771 95793 95771 95793 0 95771 95793 02-Jul-20 GOLDUSDCHF AU20ID 0.9456 0.9456 0.9452 0.9452 0 0.9456 0.9452 02-Jul-20 ICORN DE20 361 361 353 353 0 361 353 02-Jul-20 ICOTTON50K DE20 62.58 62.96 62.58 62.96 0 62.58 62.96 0=================================================================================================================
Note: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 05:00 am of previous day to 02:00 am of current day.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2020