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Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX

10 Jul, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX (Formerly National Commodity Exchange Limited - NCEL) Trading Summary on Thursday (July 9, 2020).

=================================================================================================================Date        Commodity    Contract    Open      High       Low     Close  Traded    Previous     Current      Open                         Date                                            Volume  Settlement  Settlement  Interest                                                                        in Lots       Price       Price   in Lots=================================================================================================================8-Jul-20    GO1OZ         AU20     1807.4    1829.4      1804    1818.2   4,726       1808       1818.2     2,4928-Jul-20    SL10          SE20     18.642      19.2    18.627    19.148   1,967     18.612       19.148       9758-Jul-20    CRUDE10       AU20      40.36      41.1     40.31     40.88     831      40.43        40.88       6508-Jul-20    GO10OZ        AU20       1807    1829.5      1804    1818.2     823       1808       1818.2       3188-Jul-20    SL100OZ       SE20     18.628    19.193    18.622    19.148     478     18.612       19.148       2648-Jul-20    PLATINUM5     OC20      862.2     887.3       862     880.8     354      859.4        880.8        878-Jul-20    NSDQ100       SE20   10546.75   10671.5     10510   10669.5     300      10526      10669.5       4898-Jul-20    GO1OZ         AU20ID   1806.3    1828.7    1805.5    1818.2     254       1808       1818.2         08-Jul-20    SL500OZ       SE20     18.617    19.172    18.617    19.148     230     18.612       19.148       1378-Jul-20    CRUDE10       AU20ID    40.48     41.02     40.38     40.88     145      40.43        40.88         08-Jul-20    SP500         SE20     3142.5   3166.25   3128.75    3165.5     143       3136       3165.5       3148-Jul-20    GOLDGBPUSD    AU20     1.2553    1.2619     1.251    1.2615     111     1.2544       1.2615        748-Jul-20    DJ            SE20      25820     25992     25686     25992     107      25768        25992        138-Jul-20    CRUDE100      AU20      40.31     41.05     40.31     40.88      98      40.43        40.88       1348-Jul-20    NGAS1K        AU20      1.875     1.878      1.81     1.824      95      1.878        1.824        668-Jul-20    GOLDGBPJPY    AU20    135.002   135.328   134.695   135.315      84     134.89      135.315        168-Jul-20    COPPER        SE20      2.788     2.825     2.788     2.825      75      2.787        2.825        958-Jul-20    GO100OZ       AU20       1806    1829.7    1804.8    1818.2      64       1808       1818.2        288-Jul-20    GO10OZ        AU20ID   1805.6    1826.1    1805.5    1818.2      41       1808       1818.2         08-Jul-20    SL10          SE20ID   18.626    19.181    18.626    19.148      39     18.612       19.148         08-Jul-20    GOLDEURUSD    AU20     1.1274    1.1346     1.126    1.1333      38     1.1274       1.1333        508-Jul-20    GOLDEURAUD    AU20     1.6247    1.6256    1.6221    1.6221      26     1.6233       1.6221        208-Jul-20    NGAS10K       AU20      1.864     1.873     1.824     1.824      25      1.878        1.824        148-Jul-20    GOLDUSDCAD    AU20     1.3604    1.3604    1.3502    1.3508      20       1.36       1.3508        108-Jul-20    SL500OZ       SE20ID   18.656    19.148    18.656    19.148      19     18.612       19.148         08-Jul-20    GOLDUSDCHF    AU20     0.9415    0.9417     0.938    0.9381      18     0.9425       0.9381        258-Jul-20    GOLDGBPUSD    AU20ID   1.2514    1.2615    1.2513    1.2615      13     1.2544       1.2615         08-Jul-20    COPPER25K     SE20       2.81     2.825      2.81     2.825      10      2.787        2.825        308-Jul-20    GOLDEURUSD    AU20ID   1.1278    1.1336    1.1272    1.1333       9     1.1274       1.1333         08-Jul-20    GOLDUSDJPY    AU20    107.492   107.577   107.233   107.259       8    107.541      107.259        178-Jul-20    CRUDE1000     AU20      40.31     40.88     40.31     40.88       7      40.43        40.88         78-Jul-20    SL100OZ       SE20ID   18.651    19.164    18.651    19.148       6     18.612       19.148         08-Jul-20    IWHEAT        SE20      502.5    512.25     502.5       512       5        493          512         68-Jul-20    GOLDEURGBP    AU20      0.898    0.9007     0.898    0.8988       4      0.899       0.8988         38-Jul-20    GOLDEURJPY    AU20    121.406   121.608   121.247   121.555       4    121.243      121.555         08-Jul-20    GOLDAUDUSD    AU20      0.693    0.6987     0.693    0.6987       3     0.6946       0.6987        258-Jul-20    GOLDCHFJPY    AU20    114.105   114.597   114.105   114.344       3     114.11      114.344         78-Jul-20    GOLDEURCAD    AU20     1.5338    1.5347    1.5307    1.5307       3     1.5334       1.5307         28-Jul-20    ICOTTON       DE20      63.74     63.95     63.74     63.95       3      63.04        63.95         28-Jul-20    PLATINUM50    OC20      866.2     886.5     866.2     880.8       3      859.4        880.8         08-Jul-20    GO100OZ       AU20ID   1821.1    1821.1    1818.2    1818.2       2       1808       1818.2         08-Jul-20    GOLDAUDJPY    AU20      74.62    74.935    74.539    74.935       2     74.696       74.935         98-Jul-20    GOLDEURCHF    AU20     1.0633    1.0633     1.063     1.063       1     1.0625        1.063         58-Jul-20    GOLDGBPCHF    AU20      1.181    1.1835     1.181    1.1835       1     1.1821       1.1835         18-Jul-20    SL5000OZ      SE20     18.817    19.148    18.817    19.148       1     18.612       19.148         18-Jul-20    BRENT10       SE20      42.87     43.32     42.87     43.32       0      42.87        43.32         08-Jul-20    BRENT100      SE20      42.87     43.32     42.87     43.32       0      42.87        43.32         08-Jul-20    BRENT1000     SE20      42.87     43.32     42.87     43.32       0      42.87        43.32         08-Jul-20    CRUDE10       OC20      40.73     41.18     40.73     41.18       0      40.73        41.18         08-Jul-20    CRUDE10       SE20      40.56     41.01     40.56     41.01       0      40.56        41.01         08-Jul-20    CRUDE100      AU20ID    40.43     40.88     40.43     40.88       0      40.43        40.88         08-Jul-20    CRUDE100      OC20      40.73     41.18     40.73     41.18       0      40.73        41.18         08-Jul-20    CRUDE100      SE20      40.56     41.01     40.56     41.01       0      40.56        41.01         08-Jul-20    CRUDE1000     AU20ID    40.43     40.88     40.43     40.88       0      40.43        40.88         08-Jul-20    GO100OZ       DE20     1829.6    1839.8    1829.6    1839.8       0     1829.6       1839.8         08-Jul-20    GO100OZ       OC20     1818.6    1828.8    1818.6    1828.8       0     1818.6       1828.8         08-Jul-20    GO10OZ        DE20     1829.6    1839.8    1829.6    1839.8       0     1829.6       1839.8         08-Jul-20    GO10OZ        OC20     1818.6    1828.8    1818.6    1828.8       0     1818.6       1828.8         08-Jul-20    GO1OZ         DE20     1829.6    1839.8    1829.6    1839.8       0     1829.6       1839.8         08-Jul-20    GO1OZ         OC20     1818.6    1828.8    1818.6    1828.8       0     1818.6       1828.8         08-Jul-20    GOLD          AU20      96582     97396     96582     97396       0      96582        97396         08-Jul-20    GOLD          JY20      96561     97375     96561     97375       0      96561        97375         08-Jul-20    GOLD          SE20      96609     97424     96609     97424       0      96609        97424         08-Jul-20    GOLDAUDCAD    AU20     0.9446    0.9446    0.9437    0.9437       0     0.9446       0.9437         38-Jul-20    GOLDAUDUSD    AU20ID   0.6946    0.6987    0.6946    0.6987       0     0.6946       0.6987         08-Jul-20    GOLDKILO      AU20      96528     97342     96528     97342       0      96528        97342         08-Jul-20    GOLDKILO      JY20      96508     97322     96508     97322       0      96508        97322         08-Jul-20    GOLDKILO      SE20      96556     97370     96556     97370       0      96556        97370         08-Jul-20    GOLDUSDCAD    AU20ID     1.36      1.36    1.3508    1.3508       0       1.36       1.3508         08-Jul-20    GOLDUSDCHF    AU20ID   0.9425    0.9425    0.9381    0.9381       0     0.9425       0.9381         08-Jul-20    GOLDUSDJPY    AU20ID  107.541   107.541   107.259   107.259       0    107.541      107.259         08-Jul-20    ICORN         DE20     351.25    352.75    351.25    352.75       0     351.25       352.75         08-Jul-20    ICOTTON50K    DE20      63.04     63.95     63.04     63.95       0      63.04        63.95         0=================================================================================================================

Note: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 05:00 am of previous day to 02:00 am of current day.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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