Dates of Closure of Books & Annual General Meetings

11 Jul, 2020

KARACHI: Dates of Closure of Books and holding of Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings of companies listed on the stock exchanges.

==================================================================================================                                                              Date          T+2          Dividend/Name of Company                       Book Closure             of        last date     Bonus/Right                                   From          To           AGM        cum price      Percentage==================================================================================================Wyeth Pakistan                03.07.2020   15.07.2020    15.07.2020(u)       -                   -Khurshid Spinning Mills       04.07.2020   11.07.2020    11.07.2020(u)       -                   -Honda Atlas Cars              06.07.2020   14.07.2020    14.07.2020(u)   02.07.2020     10 (F)Dawood Lawrencepur            07.07.2020   13.07.2020    13.07.2020(u)       -                   -United Distributors           09.07.2020   15.07.2020    15.07.2020(u)       -                   -Service Industries            10.07.2020   17.07.2020    17.07.2020      08.07.2020   75(F), 25(B)Babri Cotton Mills            10.07.2020   17.07.2020    17.07.2020(u)       -                   -Progressive Insurance         11.07.2020   18.07.2020    18.07.2020          -                 Nil(BYCOSE) Byco Petroleum       11.07.2020   17.07.2020    -                   -                   -Nadeem Textile Mills          11.07.2020   18.07.2020    18.07.2020(u)       -                   -NIT Pakistan GatewayExchange Traded Fund          13.07.2020   -             -                   -                   -Shield Corporation            13.07.2020   20.07.2020    20.07.2020(u)       -                   -Feroz 1888 Mills              13.07.2020   20.07.2020    20.07.2020(u)       -                   -Sapphire Fibres               14.07.2020   20.07.2020    20.07.2020(u)       -                   -Unity Foods                   18.07.2020   01.08.2020    -                   -                   -Murree Brewery                18.07.2020   24.07.2020    24.07.2020(u)       -                   -(UBL-TFC5)United Bank                   20.07.2020   29.07.2020    -                   -                   -Silkbank Ltd.                 20.07.2020   27.07.2020    27.07.2020          -                 NilNational Bank of Pakistan     20.07.2020   27.07.2020    27.07.2020(u)       -                   -United Brands                 21.07.2020   27.07.2020    27.07.2020(u)       -                   -Sui Suthern Gas               28.07.2020   05.08.2020    05.08.2020          -                 NilDolmen City Riet              28.07.2020   03.07.2020    -                   -               2 (F)Fauji Fertilizer              14.09.2020   20.09.2020    -                   -                   -Lalpir Power                  01.08.2020   08.08.2020    -                   -            12.5 (I)Pakgen Power                  01.08.2020   08.08.2020    -                   -            12.5 (I)==================================================================================================

(I) Interim Dividend

(F) Final Dividend

(B) Bonus

(*) Date revised

(E) Election of Directors of Company

(u) Extra ordinary general meeting

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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