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World Population Day 2020: Message from Syed Mumtaz Ali Shah (Chief Secretary, Sindh)

12 Jul, 2020

TEXT: For the past 33 years, 11th July is celebrated worldwide as "World Population Day" to concentrate attention on population and development related issues. Since then Sindh Government has also been observing the same as population Day. Its importance has increased manifold especially after the devolution when population became a provincial subject after the 18th Amendment.

This year's theme is "Putting the brakes on COVID-19: How to safeguard women's and girls' health and rights now". This theme is the most relevant in terms of delivering affordable family planning services to women. The family planning also ensures women empowerment so that they can make choices on family size and also to decide on health and education of their children.

There is global consensus on the importance of making voluntary family planning available to all women since access to quality family planning saves lives and promotes healthier population that contributes to stronger economies.

The COVID-19 pandemic has potentially affected entire spectrum of life that also includes reduced access to reproductive health services. To mitigate the negative impact of COVID on family planning, the Departments of Health and Population have issued "Sindh Family Planning & Reproductive Health Guidelines during COVID-19". These guidelines explain the ways to continue FPRH services keeping in view the SoPs and protocols regarding COVID. Furthermore, there are certain factors that have negative implications for women's access to FPRH services and products. For instance, disruptions in global manufacturing and supply chains have reduced the availability of contraceptive commodities. Deep engagement of the medical staff in treating COVID patients and women themselves being hesitant to visit health facilities due to concerns about COVID-19 exposure are expected to further impact women'saccess to, and continued use of contraception.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that Population Welfare Department Sindh set some milestones after the devolution and that it has accomplished some of the goals. A few of the remarkable accomplishments include Sindh Population Policy-2016 Costed Implementation Plan (CIP) as a result of FP2020 London Summit. The implementation of the Policy and the Plan (CIP) has produced some positive results over the period.

Government of Sindh is committed to the FP2020 commitments and is providing full financial and administrative assistance to fulfill the commitments. During the last meeting of Sindh Population Taskforce chaired by the Chief Minister, it was decided to enhance scope of FP2020 to FP2030.

I assure my full support and commitment to Population Welfare Department, Sindh and convey my best wishes for successful celebrations of World Population Day 2020 in the province of Sindh at all levels.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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