HAPPY NATIONAL SWISS DAY: Switzerland-Pakistan bilateral relations

30 Jul, 2020

TEXT: Switzerland and Pakistan have good, long-standing relations. The two countries have signed a range of economic agreements that have helped to develop bilateral trade.

Key aspects of diplomatic relations

There are numerous bilateral agreements between Switzerland and Pakistan covering a range of areas including investment protection, debt consolidation, aviation, double taxation and disaster relief. Switzerland also engages in regular political dialogue with Pakistan. The tenth round of talks were held in February 2018 in Bern.

Economic cooperation

In 2019, Swiss exports to Pakistan amounted to CHF 373.7 million and consisted mainly of machinery, chemical and pharmaceutical products, and watches. Imports from Pakistan - mainly textiles and agricultural products - amounted to CHF 166.8 million. Switzerland invested USD 21.2 million in Pakistan in fiscal year July 01, 2018 to June 30, 2019. There are 23 Swiss companies in Pakistan employing 15,000 people.

Cooperation in education, research and innovation

Researchers and artists from Pakistan can apply to the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.

Development cooperation and humanitarian aid

Swiss development cooperation activities in Pakistan aim to promote peaceful coexistence and ensure the equitable distribution and sustainable management of natural resources for all sections of the population. Main focus areas are rural development, local governance in connection with water, the protection of human rights and humanitarian commitments. Swiss activities are concentrated in two north-western provinces bordering Afghanistan.

Switzerland will wind down its development cooperation activities in Pakistan by 2020.

Swiss nationals in Pakistan

According to statistics on the Swiss abroad, 356 Swiss nationals (including 309 dual nationals) were living in Pakistan at the end of 2019.

History of bilateral relations

Switzerland recognised Pakistan's independence in 1947. In 1949, the two countries established diplomatic relations. During the Bangladesh conflict (1971-76), Switzerland represented Pakistan's interests in India and vice versa.

The Swiss embassy in Pakistan has been located in Islamabad since 1968. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (S DC) opened a cooperation office in Islamabad in 1977 when Pakistan was upgraded to a priority country for Swiss development cooperation.

In 1966, Switzerland and Pakistan signed a technical cooperation agreement which was supplemented in 1975 by an agreement on disaster relief.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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