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Cross Transactions between Client to Client & Financial Institutions

KARACHI: The following were the cross transactions between client to client & financial institutions here on...
04 Aug, 2020

KARACHI: The following were the cross transactions between client to client & financial institutions here on Monday (August 3, 2020).

==================================================================================CROSS TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN CLIENT TO CLIENT & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS==================================================================================Member                      Company                           Turnover       RatesName                                                         of Shares==================================================================================Ghani Osman Sec.            Attock Refinery                       1000      144.15Bhayani Sec.                                                     25000      133.71Seven Star Sec.                                                   3500       134.1                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate            29,500      134.11Standard Cap. Sec.          Avanceon Limited                      5000        53.9                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate             5,000        53.9Topline Sec.                D.G.Cement                           31500       77.63                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate            31,500       77.63Darson Sec.                 Ghandhara Ind. Ltd.                    500         250                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               500         250AKD Sec.                    Habib Bank Ltd.                     250000         101High Land Securities                                               400         123                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate           250,400      101.04Backers & Partners          Hum Network Limited                 100000       14.49                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate           100,000       14.49Topline Sec.                Int. Industries                      35000       132.2                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate            35,000       132.2Alfalah Sec.                MCB Bank Ltd.                       212012      178.36                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate           212,012      178.36D.J.M. Sec.                 National Refinery                      500       188.5                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               500       188.5Alfalah Sec.                Nishat Mills                           500       98.75                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               500       98.75Y.H. Sec.                   Pak Elektron                         30000          31                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate            30,000          31MRA Sec.                    Pak Refinery                           500       15.14                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               500       15.14Surmawala Sec.              Searle Company Ltd.                    100         255M. M. M. A. Khanani                                               1000      253.75Friendly Sec.                                                     5000       253.6                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate             6,100      253.65Topline Sec.                Siddiqsons Tin Plate                100000       11.32                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate           100,000       11.32Insight Sec.                Systems Ltd.                         19400       209.5                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate            19,400       209.5Fortune Sec.                The Organic Meat Co                  37500        21.5Arif Habib Ltd.                                                 150000        20.5N.U.A. Sec.                                                      35000          20Friendly Sec.                                                    67299          20Topline Sec.                                                     36000       21.37MRA Sec.                                                       1401000       21.66                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate         1,726,799       21.45M. M. M. A. Khanani         TRG Pakistan Ltd.                      500        49.1MRA Sec.                                                          9500       46.23                            Total/Weighted Avg. Rate            10,000       46.37==================================================================================                            Total Turnover                   2,557,711==================================================================================

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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