LAHORE: At the 55th Annual General Meeting of Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL), held on Saturday, the shareholders of the company approved the annual accounts of the company for FY 2018-19 with profit after tax of Rs 7,076 million translating into EPS of Rs 11.16. The shareholders also approved dividend of Rs 3.5 per share on the recommendations of the Board of Directors of SNGPL inclusive of interim dividend of Rs 1.5 per share for the quarter ended September 30, 2018 already paid in FY 2018-19. Moreover, the shareholders of the Company appointed Deloitte Yousaf Adil, Chartered Accountant as auditors for FY 2019-20.
The shareholders were informed that despite numerous economic, financial challenges and several odds, SNGPL remained focused on regaining growth in coming years under the supreme guidance of the Board of Directors and with the consistent efforts of the Management and staff.
A detailed interactive session was held, number of suggestions was noted and the shareholders were responded to their satisfaction.
Chairperson, Board of Directors, acknowledged the commendable efforts made by the Board's members, management, staff and especially the Ministry of Energy, Petroleum Division, for their constant support and guidance.-PR
Copyright Business Recorder, 2020