Qatar has sold an April-loading deodorized field condensate (DFC) cargo at a premium of $4 to $5 a barrel to Dubai quotes and a low-sulphur condensate cargo at $3 to $4 a barrel, traders said, though this could not immediately be confirmed.
Qatar Petroleum may have sold several al-Shaheen crude cargoes for loading in April at a premium of about 25 cents a barrel to Dubai quotes, traders said,
though details of buyers were not immediately available.
This is down from the premium of 83 cents a barrel the company achieved for March-loading cargoes, they added.
Thailand's PTT bought two crude cargoes for April-loading on behalf of IRPC via a tender, trade sources said.
The refiner bought a cargo of Murban crude and a cargo of Qatar Marine for loading in April, they said.
The cargoes were purchased at a discount of 15 to 20 cents a barrel to their respective official selling prices (OSP), one of them said.