(Karachi) In wake of widespread rainfall and destruction by recent monsoon spell, Pakistan Army has established Flood Control Centre for assisting flood victims in different areas of the city, including Malir.
As per details, army medical camps have also been established at various locations for providing necessary medical care. Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa directed Karachi Corps to step up flood relief operations to assist affected people due to recent rains in interior Sindh and Karachi.
— Khalid (Halit Ertuğrul) (@khalid_pk) August 27, 2020
*Establishment of Flood Control Centre- Karachi *
Army Flood Control Centre established in Karachi and Malir . Following are telephone numbers of Flood Control Centre :-
#. 021 34491082 ,
#. 021 99247267,
#. 02199207795#KarachiRains
Meanwhile, dewatering of more than 36 sites in the metropolis was completed while meal for over 10,000 people was distributed among flood victims in various areas. Army engineers are also busy in shifting people to safer places in boats.
In addition, Army engineers also constructed a bund along M9 near Northern bypass to avoid flooding of M9 another bund was built at KE Grid Station, Saadi Town and Malir Cantt to save flood affectees from water flow. Army troops also filled breach of Malir Nadi near Quaidabad.
The telephone numbers of Flood Control Centre are as follows: 021 34491082, 021 99247267 and 02199207795.