LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Friday directed the Punjab government to constitute a special medical board to ascertain whether the petitioner-girl Saba Sharif could become a boy after undergoing a 'gender-change' surgery. Saba of Sialkot submitted in her petition that she was born to Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif 30 years ago as a girl. However, she said, she started developing masculinity from her childhood.
Earlier, the petitioner's counsel claimed that she was a transgender and it was evidenced from her medical tests. However, the court pointed out that her national identification card indicated her gender as female. Petitioner said she consulted several gynaecologists after she felt 'gender disorder'.
A surgeon after examining her reports advised her surgery for gender change. However, the surgeon advised her to secure permission from a court to avoid any legal complication in future. The petitioner asked the court to allow her to undergo the surgery to live a normal life.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2020