ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX (Formerly National Commodity Exchange Limited - NCEL) Trading Summary on Wednesday (September 02, 2020).
=================================================================================================================Date Commodity Contract Open High Low Close Traded Previous Current Open Date Volume Settlement Settlement Interest in Lots Price Price in Lots=================================================================================================================1-Sep-20 GO1OZ DE20 1975 2000.7 1969.8 1976.1 4,733 1975.2 1976.1 7671-Sep-20 SL10 DE20 28.468 29.238 27.962 28.315 2,066 28.46 28.315 4831-Sep-20 GO10OZ DE20 1976 2000.9 1969.8 1976.1 619 1975.2 1976.1 991-Sep-20 NGAS1K OC20 2.641 2.672 2.506 2.523 502 2.628 2.523 1091-Sep-20 SL100OZ DE20 28.473 29.22 27.837 28.315 349 28.46 28.315 1281-Sep-20 CRUDE10 OC20 42.91 43.4 42.72 43 323 42.78 43 3021-Sep-20 NSDQ100 SE20 12140 12326.25 12131 12318.75 287 12109.75 12318.75 5001-Sep-20 GO1OZ DE20ID 1975.1 2000.3 1972.4 1976.1 234 1975.2 1976.1 01-Sep-20 PLATINUM5 OC20 940.4 969.7 940.4 950.8 203 936.8 950.8 431-Sep-20 SL500OZ DE20 28.488 29.177 28.142 28.315 117 28.46 28.315 221-Sep-20 GOLDEURUSD OC20 1.197 1.2005 1.1905 1.1915 94 1.1937 1.1915 141-Sep-20 GO10OZ DE20ID 1981.7 2000.3 1973.7 1976.1 80 1975.2 1976.1 01-Sep-20 COPPER DE20 3.0495 3.086 3.016 3.023 71 3.052 3.023 721-Sep-20 SP500 SE20 3499 3529 3495.5 3529 71 3495.5 3529 631-Sep-20 SL10 DE20ID 28.554 29.161 28.315 28.315 68 28.46 28.315 01-Sep-20 SL100OZ DE20ID 28.889 29.184 28.315 28.315 54 28.46 28.315 01-Sep-20 COPPER25K DE20 3.063 3.09 3.023 3.023 50 3.052 3.023 411-Sep-20 GOLDUSDCAD OC20 1.302 1.3076 1.2996 1.307 50 1.305 1.307 71-Sep-20 GOLDGBPUSD OC20 1.3373 1.3475 1.3373 1.3386 49 1.3371 1.3386 351-Sep-20 GOLDUSDJPY OC20 105.86 106.152 105.61 105.949 48 105.915 105.949 201-Sep-20 GOLDEURUSD OC20ID 1.197 1.197 1.1909 1.1915 44 1.1937 1.1915 01-Sep-20 CRUDE100 OC20 42.95 43.4 42.77 43 40 42.78 43 621-Sep-20 SL500OZ DE20ID 29.049 29.221 28.315 28.315 38 28.46 28.315 01-Sep-20 GOLDUSDCHF OC20ID 0.9081 0.9097 0.9075 0.9094 30 0.9039 0.9094 01-Sep-20 GO100OZ DE20 1985 2000.3 1973.2 1976.1 21 1975.2 1976.1 121-Sep-20 GOLDAUDCAD OC20 0.9634 0.9648 0.9607 0.964 18 0.9625 0.964 51-Sep-20 NGAS10K OC20 2.643 2.643 2.506 2.523 17 2.628 2.523 41-Sep-20 GOLDUSDCHF OC20 0.9022 0.9094 0.9022 0.9094 16 0.9039 0.9094 21-Sep-20 GOLDEURAUD OC20 1.6198 1.624 1.6153 1.6153 14 1.6186 1.6153 191-Sep-20 GOLDGBPJPY OC20 141.394 142.5 141.394 141.814 14 141.609 141.814 51-Sep-20 GOLDUSDCAD OC20ID 1.3041 1.3077 1.3041 1.307 14 1.305 1.307 01-Sep-20 DJ SE20 28540 28641 28308 28641 13 28398 28641 81-Sep-20 ICOTTON DE20 65.34 66.3 65.34 65.76 12 65.27 65.76 161-Sep-20 CRUDE10 OC20ID 42.91 43.16 42.91 43 10 42.78 43 01-Sep-20 PLATINUM50 OC20 946.5 955.7 946.5 950.8 9 936.8 950.8 21-Sep-20 GOLDGBPUSD OC20ID 1.3372 1.3409 1.3372 1.3386 8 1.3371 1.3386 01-Sep-20 GOLDUSDJPY OC20ID 105.66 106.002 105.66 105.949 8 105.915 105.949 01-Sep-20 GOLDEURJPY OC20 126.652 126.911 126.219 126.221 7 126.421 126.221 11-Sep-20 GOLDAUDJPY OC20 78.035 78.166 78.009 78.141 6 78.106 78.141 21-Sep-20 GOLDAUDUSD OC20 0.741 0.741 0.7368 0.7376 6 0.7375 0.7376 71-Sep-20 CRUDE1000 OC20 43.4 43.4 42.89 43 2 42.78 43 21-Sep-20 GOLDEURCAD OC20 1.5594 1.5611 1.5571 1.5571 2 1.5576 1.5571 11-Sep-20 GOLDEURCHF OC20 1.08 1.0851 1.08 1.0834 2 1.0788 1.0834 01-Sep-20 SL5000OZ DE20ID 28.778 28.778 28.315 28.315 2 28.46 28.315 01-Sep-20 GOLDCHFJPY OC20 116.532 116.532 116.509 116.509 1 117.182 116.509 01-Sep-20 IWHEAT DE20 567 567 566.75 566.75 1 553.5 566.75 3=================================================================================================================
Note: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 05:00 am of previous day to 02:00 am of current day.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2020