ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX (Formerly National Commodity Exchange Limited - NCEL) Trading Summary on Monday (September 14, 2020).
=================================================================================================================Date Commodity Contract Open High Low Close Traded Previous Current Open Date Volume Settlement Settlement Interest in Lots Price Price in Lots=================================================================================================================11-Sep-20 GO1OZ DE20 1952.1 1963.2 1944.5 1949.6 3,975 1953.9 1949.6 74711-Sep-20 SL10 DE20 26.963 27.202 26.737 26.94 1,055 27.03 26.94 41711-Sep-20 CRUDE10 OC20 37.18 37.8 36.8 37.3 691 37.06 37.3 78111-Sep-20 NSDQ100 SE20 11220 11346 10938 11061.25 682 11170 11061.25 4811-Sep-20 NGAS1K OC20 2.32 2.333 2.249 2.256 550 2.31 2.256 27311-Sep-20 GO10OZ DE20 1955 1962.5 1944.8 1949.6 331 1953.9 1949.6 8011-Sep-20 GO1OZ DE20ID 1954.9 1962.9 1945.3 1949.6 252 1953.9 1949.6 011-Sep-20 COPPER DE20 2.9895 3.05 2.9895 3.043 233 2.972 3.043 5911-Sep-20 GOLDGBPUSD OC20 1.2831 1.2859 1.2769 1.28 157 1.2809 1.28 5011-Sep-20 GOLDEURUSD OC20 1.1835 1.187 1.1833 1.1844 144 1.1816 1.1844 10311-Sep-20 SP500 SE20 3354.25 3373.25 3316.25 3335.25 127 3340.5 3335.25 3811-Sep-20 SL100OZ DE20 26.818 27.233 26.767 26.94 124 27.03 26.94 12511-Sep-20 DJ SE20 27630 27755 27466 27619 93 27543 27619 1611-Sep-20 SL10 DE20ID 26.966 27.196 26.749 26.94 90 27.03 26.94 011-Sep-20 SL500OZ DE20 26.982 27.202 26.858 26.94 79 27.03 26.94 1911-Sep-20 GO10OZ DE20ID 1952.4 1959.3 1947.6 1949.6 72 1953.9 1949.6 011-Sep-20 PLATINUM5 OC20 929 948.3 929 933.4 63 932.7 933.4 3411-Sep-20 CRUDE100 OC20 37.32 37.76 36.8 37.3 62 37.06 37.3 10311-Sep-20 COPPER25K DE20 3.0275 3.049 3.0275 3.043 44 2.972 3.043 1211-Sep-20 CRUDE1000 OC20 37.37 37.59 36.93 37.3 44 37.06 37.3 711-Sep-20 SL500OZ DE20ID 26.829 27.191 26.829 26.94 44 27.03 26.94 011-Sep-20 GOLDGBPJPY OC20 136.03 136.592 135.692 135.812 38 135.951 135.812 1411-Sep-20 NGAS10K OC20 2.304 2.329 2.247 2.256 36 2.31 2.256 1411-Sep-20 GOLDAUDJPY OC20 77.497 77.508 77.226 77.226 21 77.027 77.226 011-Sep-20 CRUDE10 OC20ID 37.18 37.53 36.72 37.3 20 37.06 37.3 011-Sep-20 GO100OZ DE20 1948.1 1958.7 1944.8 1949.6 16 1953.9 1949.6 711-Sep-20 GOLDEURGBP OC20 0.921 0.9292 0.921 0.9253 14 0.9225 0.9253 511-Sep-20 SL100OZ DE20ID 26.951 27.146 26.806 26.94 13 27.03 26.94 011-Sep-20 GOLDGBPUSD OC20ID 1.2832 1.2832 1.2778 1.28 12 1.2809 1.28 011-Sep-20 GOLDUSDJPY OC20 106.105 106.242 106.07 106.101 12 106.133 106.101 1511-Sep-20 GOLDUSDCAD OC20 1.3173 1.3201 1.3159 1.3191 10 1.3193 1.3191 411-Sep-20 GOLDEURAUD OC20 1.625 1.6274 1.6239 1.6274 7 1.628 1.6274 511-Sep-20 GOLDAUDUSD OC20 0.7292 0.7292 0.7259 0.7279 6 0.7259 0.7279 211-Sep-20 GOLDCHFJPY OC20 116.717 116.794 116.642 116.671 5 116.566 116.671 611-Sep-20 GOLDGBPCHF OC20 1.1673 1.1673 1.1595 1.1636 3 1.1663 1.1636 511-Sep-20 PLATINUM50 OC20 938.2 940.1 933.4 933.4 3 932.7 933.4 511-Sep-20 GOLDAUDUSD OC20ID 0.7272 0.7285 0.7272 0.7279 2 0.7259 0.7279 011-Sep-20 GOLDEURJPY OC20 125.648 125.664 125.648 125.664 1 125.408 125.664 111-Sep-20 GOLDUSDCHF OC20 0.9097 0.9097 0.909 0.909 1 0.9106 0.909 611-Sep-20 ICORN DE20 367.12 367.12 365.25 365.25 1 363.5 365.25 3=================================================================================================================
Note: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 05:00 am of previous day to 02:00 am of current day.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2020