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Transfers & postings: FBR starts action against officials involved in exerting pressures

06 Oct, 2020

KARACHI: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has started taking disciplinary action against its officials involved in exerting political pressures and interferences for transfers/postings.

According to details, the board has serious concern over the exertion of political pressure by the officers of Inland Revenue Service (IRS) and Pakistan Customs Service (PCS) in administrative matters - transfers/postings.

The FBR official communiqué stated that certain officers in total disregard to the relevant Rules of government servants (conduct) rules, 1964 are exerting political pressures and interferences in connection with their posting/transfers etc..

The board termed the said act as misconduct under government servants (conduct) rules, 1964, which attracts strict disciplinary action under the said rules and warned all these officers to shun this attitude.

It said that all these officers had been marked and necessary observations had been placed in their personal dossiers and added that such observations would be one of the main considerations at the time of making their all career decisions including promotion and disciplinary proceedings besides placement and rotations. Moreover, it advised all officers to be cautious of the seriousness of the issue, which may damage the careers, if they showed no seriousness.

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