More Americans are satisfied with Biden's campaign than Trump's, according to Gallup poll

  • According to a recent Gallup poll, more Americans are satisfied with how Presidential nominee Joe Biden has conducted his campaign, as compared to that of President Trump.
03 Nov, 2020

According to a recent Gallup poll, more Americans are satisfied with how Presidential nominee Joe Biden has conducted his campaign, as compared to that of President Trump.

This data is based on a nationwide Gallup poll, which comprised of a sample of 1018 adults (18 years and above), with the results have a moderate margin of error of 4 percent.

The result of the poll has shown that approximately 56 percent of the respondents said that they are satisfied with former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign, while 46 percent of the respondents were satisfied with the Trump campaign. However, it can also be observed that 90 percent of both Democrats and Republicans have polled in favour of their party's chosen presidential nominee, along party lines.

Interestingly, respondents who self-identified as "independents" were also more satisfied with Biden's campaign than President Trump's, with 55 percent polling in favour of the former and only 39 percent in favour of the latter. This year's Biden campaign has outranked Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign by 6 percent.

However, President Trump's re-election campaign has received higher ratings than his campaign in 2016, which was viewed as satisfactory by only 29 percent of Americans; making it the lowest ratings for any major party candidate in the last six election cycles.

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