(Karachi) New Zealand Police is all set to introduce hijab into their official uniform for the very first time, BBC News reported. The uniform has been designed in coordination with a Muslim student at the Royal New Zealand Police College.
Constable in New Zealand Police, Zeena Ali, who joined the force in the wake of the 2019 Christchurch terror attacks, will be the first officer in the history to wear the police-issued hijab.
Zeena Ali was the first recruit to request it as part of her uniform and was invited to take part in the development process.
As part of the efforts, Ali used different materials and styles during her training, providing feedback to New Zealand Police and the Massey Design School. By the time she completed her recruitment process, she had an official police-branded hijab to wear to her graduation.
"It feels great to be able to go out and show the New Zealand Police hijab as part of my uniform," she said. "I think that seeing it, more Muslim women will want to join as well."
"I realised more Muslim women were needed in the police, to go and support people," she maintained.
Earlier, the London Metropolitan Police and Scotland Police offered the option of a uniform hijab. The London Police approved a uniform hijab in 2006 while the Scotland Police adopted the option in 2016.