Iranian Parliament passes bill to enhance nuclear activity

  • On Sunday, the Iranian parliament approved a bill requiring the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), to produce at least 120 kilograms of enriched uranium every year.
Updated 01 Dec, 2020

On Sunday, the Iranian parliament approved a bill requiring the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), to produce at least 120 kilograms of enriched uranium every year.

The bill also requires the AEOI to increase enrichment capacity, install centrifuges, and fulfill the logistical requirements of enhanced nuclear production.

The law also requires the Iranian government to suspend the regulatory protocols of the Iran Nuclear Deal (or the JCPOA) after the assassination of Iranian nuclear physicist Mohsin Fakhrizadeh.

According to a parliamentary spokesperson, this bill would serve as a "strategic measure for the removal of sanctions," aimed at revitalizing the country's nuclear activities.

The scientist, who also was the head of the Iranian Defense Ministry's innovation center, died as a result of a gunmen attack on Friday in the town of Absard near Tehran.

According to the Press TV, an Iranian news agency, lawmakers assigned a double-urgency status to the bill and ratified it in a 232-14 vote.

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