Pakistan Navy inducts state of the art battle ship ‘PNS Tabuk’

  • The PNS Tabuk is the second of two 2,300t corvettes that Damen constructed under a contract signed by the Pakistan Ministry of Defence in June 2017.
  • Naval Chief terms induction as an important milestone for Pakistan Navy to enhance operations capabilities and promote maritime security in the region.
17 Dec, 2020

Pakistan Navy has inducted state of the art Corvette, ‘PNS Tabuk’, at navy’s dockyard in Karachi, DGPR reported on Thursday.

As per the Director General Public Relations (DGPR), chief guest Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi termed the induction as an important milestone for Pakistan Navy to enhance operations capabilities and promote maritime security in the region.

He acknowledged Damen Shipyards (Romania) for cooperation and delivering high quality platforms, said DGPR.

Naval Chief urged officers and men to make full use of combat potential in safeguarding country's maritime interests, the military’s spokesperson added.

First corvette, PNS Yarmook was inducted in July this year.

The PNS Tabuk is the second of two 2,300t corvettes that Damen constructed under a contract signed by the Pakistan Ministry of Defence in June 2017.

In September last year, Damen launched the second offshore patrol vessel for the Pakistan Navy at its shipyard in Galati, Romania.

The vessels are multipurpose, highly adaptable platforms, which can carry out different operations in difficult maritime environments.

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