Activities of Karachi Port and Port Qasim

Updated 29 Dec, 2020

KARACHI: The Karachi Port handled 350,309 tonnes of cargo comprising 223,997 tonnes of import cargo and 126,312 tonnes of export cargo including 10,578 loaded and empty containers during the last 48 hours ending at 0700 hours on Monday. The total import cargos of 223,997 tonnes comprised of 78,953 tonnes of containerised cargo; 12,006 tonnes of bulk cargo; 5,430 tonnes of DAP; 13,805 tonnes of rock phosphate; 48,077 tonnes of wheat; 4,073 tonnes of soyabean and 61,653 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.

The total export cargos of 126,312 tonnes comprised of 95,987 tonnes of containerised cargo; 19,729 tonnes of clinker and 10,396 tonnes of cement. As many as 10,578 containers comprising of 4,555 containers import and 6,023 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Monday.

The breakup of imported containers shows 987 of 20's and 1,679 of 40's loaded while nil of 20's and 105 of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 1,714 of 20's and 340 of 40's loaded containers while 523 of 20's and 1,553 of 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours.

There were seven ships namely MOL Globe, Northern Discovery, Tamina, Al-Salam-II, Al Mahboobah, Taberacle Prince and Theodora carrying containers, oil tanker, chemical, cement and fertilizer respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period.

There were nine vessels viz. Cosco Taicang, Harrier Hunter, Diyala, MT Karachi, CT Confidence, Mahavir, Incs Kastamonu, Union Explorer and Smart Tina carrying containers, oil tankers, wheat, clinker and general cargo respectively currently at the berths.

There are four ships namely Cosco Taicang, Wan Hai-613, Seahope-II and Smart Tina carrying containers, wheat and general cargo respectively expected to sail on Monday while two ships namely Harrier Hunter and MT Karachi carrying containers and oil tanker respectively are expected to sail on Tuesday.

There are five vessels viz. APL Columbus, Actuaria, Paxi, Scirocco and Gion Trader carrying containers, mogas and styrene monomer respectively due to arrive on Monday while five vessels viz. Ubena, MT Quetta, AMI, Panagia Korona and Heilan Rising carrying containers, oil tanker, white spirit and general cargo are expected to arrive on Tuesday.


A cargo volume of 161,436 tonnes comprising 133,642 tonnes of import cargo and 27,794 tonnes of export cargo including 2,866 loaded and empty containers (TEUs) was handled at Port Qasim during the last 24 hours on Monday.

The total import cargo of 133,642 tonnes includes 38,473 tonnes of coal; 23,813 tonnes of LNG; 15,000 tonnes of mogas; 2,749 tonnes of palm kernel; 15,000 tonnes of palm oil; 9,661 tonnes of wheat and 28,652 tonnes of containerised cargo.

The total export cargo of 27,794 tonnes includes 3,106 tonnes of rice and 42,465 tonnes of containerised cargo.

As many as 2,866 containers comprising of 1,508 containers import and 1,358 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Monday.

There were three ships namely MSC Jasmine, Popi-S and Maritime Suzanne carrying containers, wheat and palm oil respectively sailed out to sea on Monday morning, while three ships namely APL Columbus, Orhan and The Odosia carrying containers, rice and mogas respectively are expected to sail on the same day afternoon.

A total number of ten ships were occupied berths to load/offload containers, rice, coal, wheat, LNG, mogas, palm kernel and palm oil respectively at Port Qasim during the last 24 hours.

As many as twenty four vessels viz. MSC Rauna, Sphene, SN Harmony, Chipol Brok Sun, Ageri, GW Elent, Hamburg Eagle, African Term, Best Harmony, VSC Poseidor, Emmaris-2, Blue Cat, Bregaglia, Epic Bermuda, Gas Athena, White Purl, LNG Dubai, Meltemi, Songa ChaliNGC, Navig-8 Saph, Aristidis, Silver Ebalina, Maritime Suzanne and Horizon carrying containers, coal, wheat, cement, canola, LPG, mogas and palm oil respectively were at the outer anchorage of Port Qasim during the last 24 hours.

There were seven ships viz. MSC Raina, Sphene, Hamburg Eagle, Gas Athena, LNG Dubai, Meltemi and Silver Ebalina carrying containers, coal, LPG, LNG, gas oil and palm oil respectively expected to take berths at Qasim International Containers Terminal, Pakistan International Bulk Terminal, Engro Vopak Terminal, Engro Elengy Terminal, SSGC LPG Terminal, FOTCO Oil Terminal and Liquid Cargo Terminal respectively on Monday. There was one ship namely Sphene carrying containers due to arrive on Monday.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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