Italy's Conte to address parliament Monday, followed by confidence vote

  • Instead, Conte told head of state Sergio Mattarella on Thursday that he would report to parliament on possible ways out of the situation.
14 Jan, 2021

ROME: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will address the Chamber of Deputies on Monday over Italy's government crisis, a statement from the lower house of parliament said.

Conte has not resigned following Wednesday's events when former premier Matteo Renzi withdrew his small Italia Viva party from the ruling coalition, depriving it of a majority.

Instead, Conte told head of state Sergio Mattarella on Thursday that he would report to parliament on possible ways out of the situation.

With the opposition demanding that Conte step down, what is likely to be a fiery debate in the lower house on Monday will be followed by a vote of confidence in the government, a parliamentary source said.

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