Dates of Closure of Books & Annual General Meetings

03 Feb, 2021

KARACHI: Dates of Closure of Books and holding of Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings of companies listed on the stock exchanges.

==================================================================================================                                                              Date          T+2          Dividend/Name of Company                       Book Closure             of        last date     Bonus/Right                                   From          To           AGM        cum price      Percentage==================================================================================================(KELSC-5) K-Electric Ltd.     27.01.2021   03.02.2021          -              -                  -Bunny-s Ltd.                  28.01.2021   04.02.2021     04.02.2021          -                  -Ghani Global Holding          29.01.2021   04.02.2021          -         22.01.2021         10 (B)(KELSC-5) K-Electric          27.01.2021   03.02.2021          -              -                  -Ravi Textile Mills            28.01.2021   03.02.2021          -              -                  -Frontier Ceramics             02.02.2021   08.02.2021     08.02.2021(u)       -                  -Premium Tex Mills             04.02.2021   11.02.2021     11.02.2021(u)       -                  -Ghani Glass                   05.02.2021   12.02.2021          -         03.02.2021         65 (I)BankIslami Pakistan           05.02.2021   11.02.2021     11.02.2021(u)       -                  -Ferozsons Laboratories        05.02.2021   12.02.2021     12.02.2021(u)       -                  -Mehran Sugar Mills            05.02.2021   12.02.2021     12.02.2021          -                  -Attock Petroleum              10.02.2021   16.02.2021          -         08.02.2021         25 (I)Pakistan Oilfields            10.02.2021   17.02.2021          -         08.02.2021        200 (I)(DAWHSC-1) DawoodHercules Corporation          10.02.2021   16.02.2021          -              -                  -Sana Industries               11.02.2021   18.02.2021     18.02.2021(u)       -                  -Dolmen City Riet              12.02.2021   18.02.2021          -         10.02.2021       3.3 (II)Chashma Sugar Mills           15.02.2021   25.02.2021     25.02.2021          -             50 (F)Premier Sugar Mills           15.02.2021   25.02.2021     25.02.2021          -                  -Macter International          16.02.2021   23.02.2021          -              -             19 (I)Indus Dyeing & Mfg            17.02.2021   24.02.2021     24.02.2021(u)       -                  -Sunrays Textile Mills         17.02.2021   24.02.2021     24.02.2021(u)       -                  -Mitchells Fruit Farms         17.02.2021   25.02.2021     25.02.2021          -                NilBank Al-Habib                 15.03.2021   25.03.2021     25.03.2021     11.03.2021         45 (F)International Steel           15.03.2021   22.03.2021          -         11.03.2021         30 (I)ICI Pakistan                  17.02.2021   23.02.2021          -         15.02.2021        200 (I)Fauji Fertilizer              12.03.2021   18.03.2021     18.03.2021     10.03.2021         34 (F)Colgate Palmolive             13.02.2021   19.02.2021          -         11.02.2021        250 (I)(HBLTFC) Habib Bank           13.02.2021   19.02.2021          -              -                  -Faran Sugar Mills             18.02.2021   24.02.2021     24.02.2021          -                NilFauji Foods                   19.03.2021   25.03.2021     25.03.2021          -                NilFauni Fertilizer Bin Qasim    22.03.2021   29.03.2021     29.03.2021          -                NilTri-Pack Filmst               07.04.2021   14.04.2021     14.04.2021     05.04.2021         50 (F)==================================================================================================

(I) Interim Dividend

(F) Final Dividend

(B) Bonus

(*) Date revised

(E) Election of Directors of Company

(u) Extra ordinary general meeting

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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