LAHORE: The price of chicken meat has once again jumped by eight rupees to Rs 339 per kilograms in the provincial capital on Monday. The prices are continuously roaming around Rs 316 to Rs 339 per kilograms since February 16. According to Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) Punjab Zone spokesman and former PPA chairman Raza Khursand, the chicken prices will remain in the range of Rs 300 to Rs 360 per kilograms during next six months.
Talking to Business Recorder here on Monday, Raza Khursand claimed that poultry products are selling at high rates globally since the coronavirus pandemic hit the world. He also claimed that there was a gap of 15 to 20 percent in production of chicken in the country as compared to demand.
When asked whether lifting the ban on marriage and other functions would bring some relief to the consumers, he said that he was not seeing it immediately and added that the demand for chicken is gradually increasing, but its production is still low.
He also said that many poultry farmers opted to close their poultry sheds when the lockdown and other bans hit the demand in the country. “Increase in the cost of production also played a major role in escalating the prices of the chicken meat.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021