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Gov raises Kashmir issue in UN always: Fakhr Imam

  • He said the day would soon come when the dispute would be resolved in accordance with the UN resolutions.
08 Mar, 2021

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam Monday said the Kashmir issue was raised thrice at the United Nations by the government.

He said the day would soon come when the dispute would be resolved in accordance with the UN resolutions.

He said, time has come for us to analyze and examine various aspects of Kashmir issue, highlight the Indian oppressions against its innocent people through in depth parliamentary debate and compel United Nations to pay heed to the burning issue of Kashmir.

Addressing a seminar on the occasion of International Women's Day organized by Self Determination Movement International in collaboration of National Press Club Islamabad, the Federal Minister said, the nation is united on Kashmir and our valiant armed forces courageously shot down Indian war plane following Pulwama attack.

The Muslim majority in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kasmir (IIOJ&K) was turned into minority under deliberate attempt merely realized dreams of Hindu dominance by fanatic RSS Hindu dominance as its brainchild, he said and added that Muslim women were especially targeted by the Indian occupying forces in IIOJ&K which was highly condemnable act.

Addressing the seminar, Kashmiri leader Ambreen Turk said that cases of women harassment in the name of search operation were alarmingly high in IIOJ&K.

Deputy Secretary Voice of Kashmir Zeeshan Khan said that women in IIOJ&K were left at the mercy of courts in all our social disputes including the cases of divorce and inheritance.

Hurriyat leader Abdul Hameed Lone highlighted the plight of Kashmiri women, their sense of insecurity and the change of their demography by the non-local Hindus in IIOJ&K and Muslims in India and said that alone 4,00,000 rape cases were reported in India during 2018-19.

He also called upon the women to raise their voice for the jailed Kashmiri leader Asia Andrabi.

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