LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Saturday directed Chief Secretary Jawad Rafique Malik to take special measures for controlling inflation in the wake of upcoming holy month of Ramazan, and ensuring implementation of the standard operating procedures (SOPs) to check the third wave of COVID-19 in the province.
The chief secretary called on the CM at his office and briefed him about the latest situation in different sectors of life. The CM issued instructions with regard to administrative matters, controlling price-hike, implementation of corona-related SOPs, further improving the solid waste management system in Lahore city and accelerating the pace on low-cost housing project.
He ordered for taking necessary steps to deal with price-hike and said the government would not allow profiteers and hoarders to exploit people. He said that administrative machinery should ensure availability of essential commodities at fixed prices in the market besides taking indiscriminate action against those who were creating artificial price-hike.
He said that the administration would have to work more efficiently in order to provide relief to people.
The chief minister said that stopping the spread of coronavirus was the top priority of the government. Necessary restrictions in some cities had been imposed keeping in view the increasing number of corona patients, he said adding that the government would continue necessary steps for safeguarding the lives of citizens, he added.
The CM ordered for using all-out resources to improve the sanitation situation in cities including Lahore. A comprehensive plan should be evolved in this regard besides ensuring timely disposal of garbage, he added.
He said that the construction of low-cost housing project was a flagship programme of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government and all issues related to the project should be moved forward speedily.
The chief secretary briefed the CM about the steps taken in the province regarding price control, implementation of corona SOPs, solid waste management and low-cost housing project.