Regularization of services: HESCO’s contract employees hold protest rally

15 Mar, 2021

HYDERABAD: The contract employees of Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) on Thursday staged a protest demonstration for regularization of services.

HESCO employees led by Ali Gohar Chana, Shahid Jokhio, Shahid Jokhio, Zafar Jatoi and others took out rally opposite Hyderabad Press club for acceptance of their demand to regularize services as according to them, contract employees of Sukkur Electric Power Company (SEPCO) had already regularized their contract employees.

According to the protesting employees, they have been working in HESCO since 2013 on contract basis and are still waiting to be regularized.

As per the rules, contract employees of the power distribution companies are being regularized after completion of their three year contract period but they are denied their rights since the last 8 years, they are bemoaned. They urged the water and power ministry to accept their demands for regularization of their services.

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