LAHORE: Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar said on Monday that 1,863 new corona cases had been reported in Punjab during the last 24 hours while eight more people died of coronavirus in this period.
The Chief Minister, In a media statement issued here, said that 17,298 were tested for coronavirus in this period while the number of active cases had reached 15,362.
Similarly, 5,980 corona patients had departed while a total of 3,646,552 had been tested in the province.
Everyone should be very careful as the third corona wave had become more dangerous, he cautioned.
The CM asked the nation to work for the country while setting aside personal differences as such things had no value before larger national interest. "The nation needs unity from all of us and everyone would have to bury the hatchet, and follow the path of honesty and hard work to move the country forward," he added.
The PTI government was striving to make the country a true Islamic welfare state to fulfill the goals of the Resolution of Pakistan by providing equal opportunities to every citizen, he concluded.