KARACHI: Dates of Closure of Books and holding of Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings of companies listed on the stock exchanges.
================================================================================================== Date T+2 Dividend/Name of Company Book Closure of last date Bonus/Right From To AGM cum price Percentage==================================================================================================Habib Metropolitan Bank Ltd. 19-03-2021 30-03-2021 25% (F) 17-03-2021 30-03-2021Flying Cement Co. Ltd. 23-03-2021 30-03-2021 113.64% R 19-03-2021Dewan Khalid Textile MillsLimited # 23-03-2021 30-03-2021 30-03-2021EFG Hermes PakistanLimited 23-03-2021 30-03-2021 NIL 30-03-2021Askari Bank Limited 24-03-2021 30-03-2021 30% (F) 19-03-2021 30-03-2021Engro Fertilizers Limited 24-03-2021 30-03-2021 40% (F) 19-03-2021 30-03-2021The Bank of Punjab 24-03-2021 30-03-2021 10% (F) 19-03-2021 30-03-2021BankIslami Pakistan Limited 24-03-2021 30-03-2021 NIL 30-03-2021Jubilee Life InsuranceCo. Ltd. 24-03-2021 30-03-2021 135% (F) 19-03-2021 30-03-2021Mian Textile Mills Limited# 22-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021United Bank Limited 23-03-2021 31-03-2021 95% (F) 19-03-2021 31-03-2021Aruj Industries Limited # 24-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Sana Industries Limited 24-03-2021 31-03-2021 28% R## 19-03-2021Gulistan SpinningMills Limited # 24-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021AN Textile Mills Limited # 24-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Maqbool Textile Mills Ltd.# 24-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Zil Limited 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 12.5% (F) 22-03-2021 31-03-2021EFU L ife Assurance Limited 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 105% (F) 22-03-2021 31-03-2021Reliance WeavingsMills Limited # 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Apna MicrofinanceBank Limited 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 NIL 31-03-2021Zahidjee TextileMills Limited # 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Systems Limited 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 35% (F), 22-03-2021 31-03-2021 10% BEngro Powergen Qadirpur Ltd. 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 17.50% (F) 22-03-2021 31-03-2021EFU General Insurance Ltd. 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 55% (F) 22-03-2021 31-03-2021The Thal IndustriesCorporation Limited # 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Asim Textile Mills Limited # 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Saif Textile Mills Limited # 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 31-03-2021Cyan Limited 25-03-2021 31-03-2021 50% (F) 22-03-2021 31-03-2021(BIPLSC) BankIslamiPakistan Limited 30-03-2021 31-03-2021AGP Limited # 26-03-2021 02-04-2021 02-04-2021Azgard Nine Limited # 27-03-2021 03-04-2021 03-04-2021Tariq Glass Industries Ltd. # 26-03-2021 06-04-2021 25% B (i) 24-03-2021 06-04-2021Sunrays Textile Mills Limited 31-03-2021 07-04-2021 200% (i) B 29-03-2021Indus Dyeing &Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 31-03-2021 07-04-2021 200% (i) B 29-03-2021Engro Polymer &Chemicals Limited 04-04-2021 08-04-2021 12.47% (F) 01-04-2021 08-04-2021Engro Polymer &Chemicals Ltd. (Preference) 04-04-2021 08-04-2021 0.42% (i) 01-04-2021 08-04-2021JS Investments Limited 02-04-2021 09-04-2021 NIL 09-04-2021Atlas Insurance Limited 02-04-2021 09-04-2021 70% (F) 31-03-2021 09-04-2021(EPCLSC) Engro Polymer& Chemicals Limited 02-04-2021 09-04-2021Pakistan EngineeringCompany Limited # 03-04-2021 09-04-2021 09-04-2021Ghandhara Industries Ltd. # 02-04-2021 10-04-2021 10-04-2021==================================================================================================
Extra Ordinary General Meeting #
Right issue at P remium of Rs.5/- per share **
Right issue at Premium of Rs.40/- per share ##
Preference Right Shares ***
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021