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Associate professors in ICT colleges still deprived of DRA

Updated 12 Apr, 2021

ISLAMABAD: The Associate Professors in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) colleges have yet to receive the Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA) which has been granted to all federal government employees of BPS-1 to BPS-19.

According to an official source, the ministry of finance had released notification of monthly DRA at the rate of 25 percent of the running basic pay of the government employees after a series of protests of federal and provincial government employees in Islamabad.

The said allowance has been granted to all federal government servants of BPS-1 to BPS-19 since March 1, 2021 but none of the Associate Professor in the ICT colleges has received this allowance.

The Associate Professors whose original pay scale is BPS-19 but their basic pay is adjusted in BPS-20 on the basis of Higher Time Scale (previously known as move-over) have not been granted DRA considering them officers of BPS-20.

These Associate professors are not drawing rental ceiling, Senior Post Allowance, Orderly Allowance, entertainment Allowance and Transport Monetization of BPS-20 because their regular pay scale is BPS-19.

It is ironic that they are neither accepted in BPS-20 nor in BPS-19, a situation where they are lingering here and there with no standing anywhere.

An Associate Professor of Islamabad Model College for Girls (Postgraduate) F-7/2 said, “I am in Time scale-20 but not entitled of Rental Ceiling, Senior Post Allowance, Orderly Allowance, entertainment Allowance and Transport Monetization of BPS-20 considering my original pay scale of BPS-19. But on the other hand I have not been granted DRA considering me in BPS-20. The officers like me are bearing the brunt of the dispute between the original pay scale and higher time scale which has created a big anomaly. Consequently, neither I am being granted the benefits/perks of BPS-20 nor the Disparity Reduction Allowance of BPS-19 which is ridiculous”, she said while demanding to consider her either in BPS-19 or in BPS-20.

Another Associate Professor at Islamabad Model Postgraduate College for boys H-8 complaining of deprivation said, “It is so disappointing and against the dispensation of justice that associate professors have been ignored while implementing the decision”.

Talking to APP, he urged the Secretary Finance to take notice of the situation, and ensure implementation of DRA on associate professors to remove this anomaly.

“All the federal government employees of BPS-1-19 are receiving the allowance. It is exclusively the Associate Professors who have been deprived of this allowance. Teachers are nation-builders; they also need to be respected equally”, said Professor Tahir, a representative of the Federal Government College Teachers Association.

“We urge the prime minister to take notice of this discriminatory move and they should be treated at par with other government servants”, he said.

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