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ILMA holds session on Writing & Publishing Research Articles

18 Apr, 2021

KARACHI: ILMA University arranged a quality-centric session on Writing and Publishing Research Articles in Academic Journals.

This research relevant webinar was led by Dr Jalal Rajeh Mohammad, Assistant Professor Skyline University, UAE, Senior Lecturer at DRB-HICOM University of Automative, Malaysia.

Dr Jalal provided a deep insight into the research article elements that needed to be critically analysed for the best results. He spoke about the introduction, title, abstract, findings, references, citations, content, conclusion and contribution to the field of study. According to him, each component needed to be addressed properly, in perspective and purposefully for the review to be on point for publication.

He commented, "The researchers need to keep in view the topic and scope of the publication as this tends to be the most significant which will make it relevant to the target field."

With this research-oriented webinar, ILMA continues to place such topics at the forefront in higher education so that quality is enhanced and improved results are visible. Nowadays, research and surveys are empirical in the entire enrichment process which needs to be emphasized.

The University realizes that powerful solutions can only be arrived at if inquiries are made and findings are revealed through research articles in the varied domains globally.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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