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Amazon Revolutionizes Grocery Shopping with Automated Checkout Technology

  • Committed to revolutionizing grocery shopping, Amazon is going to introduce automated checkout technology to full-size supermarkets soon.
Updated 22 Apr, 2021

Committed to revolutionizing grocery shopping, Amazon is going to introduce automated checkout technology to full-size supermarkets soon.

The planning documents for an Amazon store, which is currently under construction in a suburban shopping plaza in Brookfield, Connecticut, reveal features of the company's incredible 'Just Walk Out' technology.

This new automated checkout technology will enable customer to enter the shop by just swiping their smartphone at the entry point. Once inside, cameras, shelf sensors and software algorithms will track any items that these customers grab and they will simply be charged for these items when they walk out of the stores.

According to reports by Bloomberg, Amazon has opened 12 stores since the launch of its Fresh chain in southern California and 37 more are in development across the United States. However, the new chain has not completely shifted towards automated checkout except for a test at a Fresh store in suburban Chicago.

It is also important to note that the adoption of cashier-less grocery shopping requires effective tracking of all the people moving around in a big store, which is both challenging and costly.

As the costs of using this technology in bigger store spaces is higher, the company might find it more profitable to employ more cashiers or bring other cost-effective advancements in their checkout service.

As pandemic continues to impact everyone across the globe, Amazon's efforts in developing this new technology will ultimately transform how consumers shop. Moreover, this new technology will also allow the company to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure by eliminating the entire checkout process from grocery shopping, making it more convenient and time-saving.

Nonetheless, this grab-and-go technology has put Amazon ahead of its rivals and instigated a healthy sense of competition in the industry, which is ultimately necessary for pushing innovation.

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