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Cross Transactions between Client to Client & Financial Institutions

KARACHI: The following were the cross transactions between client to client & financial institutions here on...
01 May, 2021

KARACHI: The following were the cross transactions between client to client & financial institutions here on Friday (April 30, 2021).

===============================================================================================CROSS TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN CLIENT TO CLIENT & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS===============================================================================================Member                           Company                              Turnover            RatesName                                                                 of Shares===============================================================================================Khanani Sec.                     Attock Refinery                           500           233.50                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate                  500           233.50JS Global Cap.                   Cherat Cement                         100,000           163.39                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate              100,000           163.39Topline Sec.                     Engro Corporation                      34,000           296.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               34,000           296.00Topline Sec.                     Frieslandcampins Engro                180,000            76.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate              180,000            76.00M. M. M. A. Khanani              Hum Network Limited                    50,000             7.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               50,000             7.00Alfalah Sec.                     Indus Motor                           151,230           976.35                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate              151,230           976.35Topline Sec.                     K-Electric Limited                    800,000             3.62                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate              800,000             3.62Topline Sec.                     Loads Limited                         270,000            13.78                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate              270,000            13.78Fortune Sec.                     National Refinery                      85,000           601.01Azee Sec.                                                                3,200           559.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               88,200           599.49Brains Securities                Pak Refinery                           20,500            23.40                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               20,500            23.40Trust Securities                 Pakistan Petroleum                     80,000            10.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               80,000            10.00JS Global Cap.                   Pioneer Cement                         50,000           123.96                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               50,000           123.96Azee Sec.                        Searle Company Ltd.                     7,000           233.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate                7,000           233.00Multiline Sec.                   Service Global Footw                   75,000            61.45                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate               75,000            61.45Alfalah Sec.                     Telecard Ltd.                         850,000            14.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate              850,000            14.00AKD Sec.                         TRG Pakistan Ltd.                     300,000           160.00JS Global Cap.                                                         125,000           180.00Pearl Sec.                                                           2,000,000           185.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate            2,425,000           181.65Trust Securities                 Trust Sec. Brokerage                  500,000            10.00                                 Total/Weighted Avg. Rate              500,000            10.00===============================================================================================                                 Total Turnover                      5,681,430===============================================================================================

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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