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Dividend/Bonus Announcements

KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange....
04 May, 2021

KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

===============================================================================================================                                 YEAR                  Profit/(Loss)     EPS         ANNUAL          CLOSURE OF                                ENDED/      DIVIDEND/       After       (Rs)         GENERAL              SHARE                             HALF YEARLY/    BONUS/       Taxation                   MEETING           TRANSFERCOMPANY                       QUARTERLY      RIGHT        (Rs. in                                         BOOKS                              ACCOUNTS                    million)===============================================================================================================TRG Pakistan Ltd.            31.03.2021      44% (i)     7,225.536      13.248         -          14.06.2021 to                             Nine Month                                                              21.05.2021                             endedAdos Pakistan Ltd            31.03.2021                  (26.141)       (3.97)         -                      -                             Nine MonthThe United InsuranceCompany of Pakistan          31.03.2021      -           248.665        0.84           -                      -Limited                      1st QaurterThe Unversal Insurance       31.03.2021      -           14.172         0.28           -                      -Company Limited              1st QaurterAmtex Limited                31.03.2021      -           (94.377)       (0.36)         -                      -                             Nine MonthThe Pakistan General         31.03.2021      -           (5.362)        (0.12)         -                      -Insurance Company Ltd        1stQaurterHala Enterprises Ltd         31.03.2021      -           5.122          0.39           -                      -                             Nine MonthFirst Prudential             31.03.2021      -           7.263          0.08           -                      -Modaraba                     Nine MonthSariow Spinning              31.03.2021      -           137.813        4.62           -                      -Mills Limited                Nine MonthFirst Pak Modaraba           31.03.2021      -           (0.663)        (0.05)         -                      -                             Nine MonthColony Textile Mills         31.03.2021      -           519.733        1.04           -                      -Limited (Unconsolidated)     Nine MonthColony Textile Mills         31.03.2021      -           500.155        1.00           -                      -Limited                      Nine Month(Unconsolidated)Frontier Ceramics Ltd        31.03.2021      -           94.944         1.98           -                      -                             Nine MonthB.F.Modraba                  31.03.2021      -           4.480          0.60           -                      -                             Nine MonthShadman Cotton Mills         31.03.2021      -           (42.487)       (2.41)         -                      -Limited                      Nine MonthPak Leather Crafts Ltd       31.03.2021      -           (0.756)        (0.22)         -                      -                             Nine MonthDadabhoy Cement              31.03.2021      -           (4.249)        (0.04)         -                      -Industries Limited           Nine MonthDadabhoy Sack Limited        31.03.2021      -           (8.053)        (2.01)         -                      -                             Nine MonthSecurity Leasing             31.03.2021      -           (9.724)        (0.27)         -                      -Corporation Limited          Nine MonthApna Microfinance            31.03.2021      -           7.444          0.022          -                      -Bank Limited                 1st QaurterAllawasaya Textile           -               -           -              -             24.05.2021     18.05.2021and Finishing Mills Limited                                                           3.00.p.m.   To 24.05.2021                                                                                       EOGM(SNBLTFC3) Soneri            -               -           -                             -             21.05.2021Bank Limited                                                                                      To 04.06.2021BIPL Securities Limited      -               -           -              -              -         14.05.2021 (*)                                                                                                  To 20.05.2021Dawod Lawrencepur Ltd        -               -           -              -              -         22.06.2021 (#)                                                                                                  To 28.06.2021EFG Hermes Limited                           -           -              -             25.05.2021     18.05.2021                                                                                      03.00.p.m.  To 25.05.2021                                                                                       EOGMTRG Pakistan Limited         -               -           -              -              -             14.06.2021                                                                                                  to 21.06.2021===============================================================================================================

Indication: Book Closure for entitlement of Acuisitin of Shares.

Indication: (#) Please read book Closure dates 22.06.2021 to 28.06.2021 instead of 22.05.2021 to 28.05.2021.of the said Company.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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