LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has handed over grant-in-aid cheques valuing Rs 32 million to different bar associations at a ceremony held here on Thursday. Punjab Law Minister Raja Basharat, Punjab Law Secretary and AG Punjab were also present. He gave a grant-in-aid cheque of Rs 5 million to Lahore High Court Bar Association Vice President Rana Mudassir Maghiana, a cheque worth Rs 4 million to Lahore District Bar Association President Malik Sarood Ahmed and a cheque valuing Rs 3 million to District Bar Association (DBA) Sialkot President Khalid Hussain Qureshi.
The CM also handed over one million cheques each to Tehsil Bar Association (TBA) Daska President Shahzad Sadiq Cheema, TBA president Pasroor Rana Irfan Ali and TBA Sambrial president Muhammad Imran Cheema. Similarly, a 3 million rupees cheque was given to the DBA TT Singh president Haji Akhtar Rasool. He gave away one million rupees cheques each to TBA president Gojra Ijaz Ahmed, TBA president Kamalia Rai Adil Kamran and TBA president Pir Mahal Jamil Ahmed Vance.
DBA Bahawalpur president Muhammad Akhtar Abbasi was given a four million rupees cheque and DBA Multan secretary Osama Bahadur Khan received a five million rupees cheque from the CM. Moreover, TBA president Jalalpur Pirwala Abdullah Razzaq and TBA Shujaabad president Rana Muhammad Yousaf Noon were given one million rupees cheque each.
Talking on this occasion, the CM announced to take more steps for the welfare of the legal fraternity. “Lawyers’ problems will be resolved on a priority basis,” he added.
He regretted that the past governments ignored the difficulties of the legal fraternity. They only protected personal interests, he deplored.
“The PTI government is bringing ease to the lives of the common man and is fully committed to arranging more facilities. A state-of-the-art facility will be built in Lahore for the lawyers of far-flung areas and action will be initiated soon on lawyers’ tower by identifying a suitable piece of land. Planning is being made concerning residential facilities for the legal fraternity and they will also be given health cards,” he said.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021