Sindh Assembly passes unanimous resolution against Israel

22 May, 2021

KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly on Friday passed a unanimous resolution to condemn Israel's aggression and showed solidarity with Palestinians. A joint resolution demanded of the government to step up efforts to raise globally the Zionist regime's atrocities against Palestinians, as lawmakers deplored Israeli offensive killing people in Gaza.

On the request of Chief Minister Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah, the house postponed its scheduled proceedings and placed a joint resolution to censure the Jewish state for its belligerency against Palestinians.

Murad thanked the house, praising opposition and treasury for the single voice against Zionist state of Israel for its crime against humanity.

"Israel enjoys such a position that it even doesn't bother to give an explanation on the war," he said.

The Islamic world lost its leadership to stand up steadfast against the repression, he said and added, "Yasir Arafat has said in Lahore that Palestine was founded in Lahore and there is only one terrorist state that is Israel."

He said that the Muslim world leadership was systematically wiped off that undermined the Palestine just cause, referring to the killing of Saudi Arabia's King Faisal, hanging of Pakistan's former premier, Z.A. Bhutto.

He believed the government's present efforts on the diplomatic front was insufficient, saying that much should have been done for Palestinians.

"It is good that truce has been made," he said and added that the world knows that Israel is "wrong". India, he said, has also carried out atrocities against Kashmiris alike, which also needed a global attention with the Palestine mayhem.

"Israel is a terrorist state, which inflicts atrocities on Palestinians," Murad said.

MQM's Mangla Sharma and PTI's Rabia Azfar Nizami read out the joint resolution to the house, stating that Pakistani nation stands by Palestinians in this hour of trouble.

This house condemns the Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. It also lauds the valour of Palestinians for staying unshaken by the Israeli aggression.

The government should raise the issue of Palestine at the UN keeping in view the people's sentiments, the resolution said.

Rabia said that being Pakistani, the nation stands by the underdog Palestinians facing war crimes. GDA's women lawmaker, Nusrat Sehar Abbasi said that Muslims will never let anyone occupy Masjid Al-Aqsa.

She said that Palestinians are in trouble from an Israeli war. TLP's Sarwat Fatima also slammed Israeli aggression against people of Gaza, saying the government should make it loud and clear that attacks on Palestinians should stop, else Israel should face a complete elimination.

Mangla Sharma said that Israel from time to time carries out attacks on Palestinians even in the month of fasting and Eid festivals. She said that Jews continue occupying Palestinians land every now and then.

MMA's Syed Abdul Rashid called the Palestine question an "honour" of Muslim world, saying that "the children of Palestine are paying this debt". He also slammed the Muslim world for its ineffective voice to help the Palestine cause.

Several legislators from either side of the house expressed their solidarity with Palestinians and censured Israel for its atrocities.

Sindh Information Minister, Syed Nasir Hussain Shah tabled "The Sindh Protection of Journalists and Other Media Practitioner Bill, 2021" in the house. However, the bill was referred to a concerned committee for further deliberations. The house will now meet on Monday afternoon at 2pm.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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