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Unscheduled load-shedding: Top officials grilled by Nepra

12 Jun, 2021

ISLAMABAD: National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra), on Friday grilled top officials of Discos and KE for unscheduled load-shedding.

In pursuance of a suo motu notice about excessive load shedding throughout Pakistan, the Authority conducted hearing wherein the CEOs and other top officials of DISCOs, KE, Ministry of Energy, NTDC, NPCC and WAPDA participated and appraised the Authority. The following is the crux of the hearing:

The Authority categorically directed all the stakeholders of power industry that such type of load-shedding will not be tolerated.

The Authority showed serious concerns about DISCOs not drawing the power as per quotas given to them despite available generation capacity; for which a number of power plants have been installed and a huge amount in terms of capacity charges is being paid.

The Authority took the notice of the plants kept on scheduled outages in peak summer months of June and July and directed NTDC to avoid such practice.

The Authority also directed all the DISCOs, KE and NTDC to submit their action plans immediately in order to minimize the load shedding and give relief to consumers.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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