KARACHI: Dates of Closure of Books and holding of Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings of companies listed on the stock exchanges.
=================================================================================================== Dividend BC-2 Start AGM/Name of Company Book Closure Bonus/ Date EOGM From To Right Ex-Price===================================================================================================Atlas Honda Limited 10-06-2021 24-06-2021 135% (F) 08-06-2021 24-06-2021Mari Petroleum CompanyLimited # 18-06-2021 24-06-2021 24-06-2021Dawood HerculesCorporation Limited 18-06-2021 24-06-2021 45% (i) 16-06-2021Gillette Pakistan Limited # 18-06-2021 25-06-2021 25-06-2021Dandot CementCompany Limited * 18-06-2021 25-06-2021 161.67583966%R* 16-06-2021(NBPG-ETF) NBP PakistanGrowth 23-06-2021 25-06-2021 8% 21-06-2021(HBLTFC2) HabibBank Limited 20-06-2021 26-06-2021S aif P ower L imited # 20-06-2021 26-06-2021 26-06-2021Suraj Cotton Mills Limited # 21-06-2021 28-06-2021 28-06-2021Dawood Lawrencepur Ltd. 22-06-2021 28-06-2021 35% (i) 18-06-2021The Searle CompanyLimited # 22-06-2021 28-06-2021 28-06-2021Premier Insurance Limited # 22-06-2021 28-06-2021 28-06-2021(MZNP ETF) MeezanPakistan ETF 28-06-2021 28-06-2021(UB LP-ETF) UBLPakistan Enterprise ETF 28-06-2021 28-06-2021(JSBLTFC1) JS BankLimited 16-06-2021 29-06-2021Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan)Limited 18-06-2021 29-06-2021 45.2% (F) 16-06-2021 29-06-2021Telecard L imited # 23-06-2021 29-06-2021 29-06-2021Gul Ahmed Textile MillsLimited # 23-06-2021 29-06-2021 29-06-2021(JSBLTFC2) JS BankLimited 17-06-2021 30-06-2021Huffaz Seamless PipeIndustries Limited 21-06-2021 30-06-2021 NIL 30-06-2021Abdullah Shah Ghazi SugarMills Limited # 23-06-2021 30-06-2021 30-06-2021S ervice Industries Limited # 23-06-2021 30-06-2021 30-06-2021Service Global FootwearLimited # 23-06-2021 30-06-2021 30-06-2021ICI Pakistan Limited # 24-06-2021 30-06-2021 30-06-2021Mian Textile IndustriesLimited # 24-06-2021 30-06-2021 30-06-2021(BIPLSC) BankIslamiPakistan Limited 29-06-2021 30-06-2021(AKBLTFC6) AskariBank Limited 24-06-2021 02-07-2021Image Pakistan Limited # 28-06-2021 02-07-2021 02-07-2021Johnson & Phillips (Pakistan)Limited # 28-06-2021 05-07-2021 05-07-2021(SNBLTFC2) Soneri BankLimited 24-06-2021 07-07-2021Byco Petroleum PakistanLimited # 01-07-2021 08-07-2021 08-07-2021(E P C L S C) EngroPolymer & Chemicals Limited 01-07-2021 09-07-2021Packages Limited # 02-07-2021 09-07-2021 09-07-2021Attock Refinery Limited # 06-07-2021 12-07-2021 12-07-2021Dawood LawrencepurLimited # 07-07-2021 13-07-2021 13-07-2021(BAFLTFC7) BankAlfalah Limited 01-07-2021 15-07-2021A gritech L imited # 09-07-2021 15-07-2021 15-07-2021Hum Netwok Limited 09-07-2021 16-07-2021 NIL 16-07-2021Century Paper & BoardMills Limited # 10-07-2021 16-07-2021 16-07-2021Pakistan Petroleum Limited # 12-07-2021 19-07-2021 19-07-2021Kot Addu Power CompanyLimited 13-07-2021 19-07-2021 50% (ii) 09-07-2021Hinopak Motors Limited 20-07-2021 28-07-2021 NIL 28-07-2021===================================================================================================
Extra Ordinary General Meeting #
Right issue at a P remium of Rs.5/- per share *
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021