Bushra Ansari hits back at criticism for dancing at a wedding

  • Veteran actor was widely bullied on social media for trying to return to social life 'too soon' after death of her sister in May
Updated 05 Jul, 2021

Veteran actor Bushra Ansari hit back at public criticism after videos circulated on social media of her dancing at a wedding attended by other TV and film industry colleagues last Friday.

“All my friends were there insisting me to get out of the stress and my sadness,” she wrote in an Instagram post on Monday afternoon.

“[It’s] sad to see people’s reaction [...] they just want to see us unhappy [because] we are famous and specially when somebody is over a certain age. How pathetic.”

The source of the widespread online bullying and public shaming was her attempt to return to social life and publicly expressing joy through dancing so soon after the death of her sister, actor Sumbul Shahid, in May due to Covid-19. But Bushra added that the loss one is that can never be forgotten or diminished.

“I was in a deep grief [over the] last three months and that loss is going to be in our hearts till our last breath,” she added.

Bushra was attending the star-studded wedding of the grandson of Hum TV co-founder Sultana Siddiqui, whom the actor considers “a mother, elder sister and mentor” and was trying to be part of her happiness “for two minutes”.

Many trolls also made ageist comments pointing out her age, to which Bushra responded, “This is the best age to enjoy life,” saying she has reached a point in her life where she has no regrets.

Over the weekend, actor Ushna Shah also pointed out how quick people are to judge those trying to move on from loss and grief.

Throughout her sister’s prolonged struggle with Covid-19, Bushra had consistently asked fans to pray for Sumbul’s health. After her passing, Bushra again thanked fans and colleagues for their condolences and the warm wishes sent her way.

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