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World Population Day 11th July 2021: Messages from Dr Syed Azizur Rab Chief Executive Officer

TEXT: Greenstar Social Marketing Pakistan (Guarantee) Limited Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the...
13 Jul, 2021

TEXT: Greenstar Social Marketing Pakistan (Guarantee) Limited

Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world with a high fertility rate. It is one of the six countries where 50% of the world's maternal deaths occur. Contraception is one of the most cost- effective investments in health to reduce maternal and child mortality. For over 30 years, Greenstar Social Marketing is delivering high-quality family planning (FP), products, and services through social franchising and social marketing approaches. It aligns with the Government's agenda of increasing National CPR to use modern contraceptive methods. Greenstar operates in 123 districts of Pakistan with 6,154 service providers, 39,792 FMCG outlets, 41,517 pharma outlets and a 24/7 Poocho helpline. Greenstar has contributed an average of 2,186,872 CYPs annually for the last 11 years and around and around 263,000 new users from July 2020 to June 2021. Greenstar remains in close contact with provincial and district authorities and builds on the public-private partnership by continuously seeking guidance on improving its efforts to reach underserved women in communities.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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