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Rs86bn earmarked for uplift schemes in Lahore: CM

14 Jul, 2021

LAHORE: The PTI-led government has launched a slew of development projects costing billions of rupees to provide quality amenities to the citizens of Lahore, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, said.

“Development schemes valuing Rs 67 billion were announced for Lahore excluding the much-trumpeted Orange Line Metro project, during the third year of the previous government while the PTI government has earmarked Rs 86 billion for various development schemes for the provincial metropolis,” the CM said, adding: “The Ravi River Urban project and Central Business District are futuristic initiatives.”

In a statement on Tuesday, the CM said the government is building a surface wastewater treatment plant along with underground tanks to store rainwater for use. Similarly, Dilkash Lahore, electric buses, 1000-bedded new general hospital, mother & child hospital at Ganga Ram Hospital, children university, Shahkam Chowk overhead bridge, Ghulab Devi hospital underpass, Sheran Wala overhead bridge, international standard bus terminal at Thokar Niaz Baig, food & drug lab and local government academy are some of the beneficial schemes for Lahorites.

Moreover, the CM said PM Imran Khan has bravely fought the Kashmir cause at every forum and credit goes to him for highlighting the Kashmir issue at the global level. The opposition is bent upon weakening the Kashmir cause during the election campaign while ignoring the vital national interests, he deplored.

Further, the CM in his message on “Kashmir Martyrs Day” said the people as well as the Pakistan government are firmly standing with the Kashmiris.

“Kashmiris have a long history of displaying valorous struggle and against Indian ruthlessness, as India has failed to extinguish the spirit of freedom in the hearts of the Kashmiris,” he said.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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