LAHORE: Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has directed the PDMA to remain fully vigilant, continuously monitor the inflow and outflow of water in rivers while line departments should remain alert with their emergency plans and best coordination between federal and provincial departments be also ensured.
The CM visited Provincial Disaster Management Authority's head office on Monday to inspect the control room for monitoring monsoon season and possible flood situation. He was briefed about the situation of rivers, the weather forecasting system, arrangements for dealing with the flood-related situation and relief activities.
Expressing satisfaction that work has been started to develop an underground water tank in Lahore to store rainwater, the CM said the underground water tank at Lawrence Road has been completed while the foundation stone of another underground water tank near Al-Hamra will be laid soon. Four underground water tanks will be constructed in Lahore, he said.
The CM directed the PDMA to ensure the availability of necessary material in warehouses, adding that dewatering sets should be fully functional alone with the availability of anti-venom vaccines in districts. The meteorological department should submit its weather report daily and a daily report of rains in rivers' catchment areas be compiles as well, he added.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021