Taliban press on with northern offensive after weekend blitz

10 Aug, 2021

MAZAR-I-SHARIF: The Taliban seized a sixth Afghan provincial capital on Monday following a weekend blitz across the north that saw urban centres fall in quick succession and the government struggle to keep the militants at bay.

Insurgents entered Aibak without a fight after community elders pleaded with officials to spare the city from more violence following weeks of clashes on the outskirts, said Sefatullah Samangani, deputy governor of Samangan province.

“The governor accepted and withdrew all the forces from the city,” Samangani added, saying the Taliban were now in “full control”.

A Taliban spokesman confirmed the city had been taken.

The insurgents have now overrun five provincial capitals in the north, sparking fears the government is rapidly losing its grip on the region.

They have also taken Zaranj, capital of Nimroz province, in the southwest.

Fighting in Afghanistan’s long-running conflict has escalated dramatically since May, when the US-led military coalition began the final stage of a withdrawal set to be completed before the end of the month.

That timetable means the withdrawal would be finished ahead of the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. The US-led invasion sparked by 9/11 toppled the first Taliban regime in 2001.

Earlier Monday, the Taliban said they were moving in on Mazar-i-Sharif — the largest city in the north and a linchpin for the government’s control of the region — after capturing Sheberghan to its west, and Kunduz and Taloqan to its east.

A spokesman said Taliban fighters had entered the city, but officials — and residents contacted by phone — said the group was exaggerating, with clashes confined to surrounding districts.

“The enemy is trying to distort public opinion and create anxiety for the civilian population by their propaganda,” said a statement from the provincial police force in Balkh, where Mazar-i-Sharif is the capital.

Mazar’s longtime strongman Atta Mohammad Noor vowed to fight to the end, saying there would be “resistance until the last drop of my blood”.

“I prefer dying in dignity than dying in despair,” he tweeted.

The loss of the city, an economic hub steeped in history, would signal the collapse of Kabul’s control of the north and raise questions about the future of the government.

In neighbouring Kunduz, the second-largest city in the north that fell to the Taliban Sunday, residents said insurgents were all over the city, occupying government offices and institutions.

Tolo News reported government forces still had control of the airport and army barracks outside the city, although there has been no official comment on the situation. “The security situation is not good and we fled to save our lives,” Rahmatullah, a 28-year-old resident, told AFP.

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