The Karachi Port handled 128,663 tonnes of cargo comprising 104,434 tonnes of import cargo and 24,229 tonnes of export cargo including 2,996 loaded & empty containers during last 24 hours ended at 0700 hours on Wednesday. The total import cargo of 104,434 tonnes comprised of 18,892 tonnes of containerised cargo; 26,600 tonnes of coal and 58,942 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
The total export cargo of 24,229 tonnes comprised of 20,542 tonnes of containerised cargo; 587 tonnes of cement and 3,100 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo. A total number of 2,996 containers comprising 1,506 containers import and 1,490 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Wednesday.
The brake up of imported containers shows 415 of 20's and 427 of 40's of loaded while 183 of 20's and 27 of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 498 of 20's and 395 of 40's loaded containers while and 50 of 20's 76 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours.
Two ships namely King Alfred and Berthea with one container ship and one oil tanker respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period. Four vessels viz Jolly, Shayan-1, MT Karachi and Royal Peridot carrying two container ships and two oil tankers respectively are currently at the berths.
Two ships namely MT Karachi and Agonistis carrying one oil tanker and one coal carrier respectively sailed out to sea on Wednesday, while three ships namely Jolly, Shayan-1 and Royal Peridot with two container ships and one oil tanker respectively are expected to sail on Thursday.
Three vessels viz APL Brisbane, Zante and Arietis carrying two container ships and one crude oil tanker respectively due to arrive on Wednesday, while six vessels viz Talassa, Irenes Dream, Captain Costas, Ever Result, Bao Sheng and Tramura carrying four container ships, one general cargo ship and one fuel oil tanker respectively are due to arrive on Thursday.