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SSP PHP for avoiding use of smoke-emitting vehicles

21 Nov, 2021

FAISALABAD: SSP Mirza Anjum Kamal, Punjab Highway Patrol (PHP), Region Faisalabad has directed to continue smog awareness campaign and articulated his stern resolve to mobilize citizens and drivers to avoid using smoke emitting vehicles.

Smog causes health issues especially eye, nose and throat infection. He further added that it irritates eyes and damages the lungs and respiratory system. The awareness about hazards of smog is awfully essential to citizens to safeguard them from the deadly effect of environmental pollutant and keeping themselves healthy by adopting precaution measures.

In order to aware public, citizens and students, Incharge mobile Education unit, Muhammad Rizwan Bhatti organized awareness seminars, carried out walk , distributed pamphlets and pasted reflectors on the back of slow moving and load ridden vehicles. The purpose of Seminar and walk is to display and sensitize the participants to take preventive measures before the onset of Smog.

Furthermore, the participants are told that smog is most pressing issue in the recent years. It is a mixture of smoke and mist. In order to avoid contamination of air, actions are taken against smoke emitting vehicles. However, the following of SOPs, directed by Government help in combating the hazards of smog in a befitting manner.

The wearing of mask and frequent drinking of water helps in safeguarding against smog. The student and road users are told to wear reflective clothes during the night time as smog reduces the visibility due to dense smog problem. SSP Punjab Highway Patrol, furthermore, told that along with education, strict enforcement has already being initiated against the delinquents. However, he emphasized that avoid burning waste material and stubs of crops to purge the environment free of smoke and dirt. Moreover, it is essential to take cognizance about weather condition, road condition and facilities on the road taken.

Further, the commuters are advised to check the Patrol, oil, water, electrical equipment and tyre. The information about help line in case of distress is indispensable to avoid any embarrassment, wastage of time and any untoward incident.

Moreover, In case of emergency, happening of incident/accident, the road commuters can call on help line 1124 of Punjab Highway Patrol police. If the road user faces any kind of harassment on the road or he notices any unlawful activity on the road, he can call on PHP Helpline 1124. Polite, helpful and compassionate is the sole motto of Punjab Highway Patrol. To serve humanity is our deliverance.

Punjab Highway Patrol has the vision to help the people in distress. There is no problem, if the tyre of vehicle is flattened or any mechanical fault occurs in the dead of night, just call on PHP helpline 1124,the concerned patrolling vehicle will immediately response within 5 to 15 minutes as first responder. Punjab Highway Patrol is striving hard to get the trust of citizens through effective and efficient service delivery on the highways.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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